Hi, I am making a app that basically loads 10 photos from a website.
The website has a large user submitted photo section that each week the photos are rated and a rss page shows the top 10 photos of the week, this app will then show the photos...
The rss has a thumb nail of each image and a link to the users page that holds the full size image, the full image url is not on the rss. i thought about loading the rss on the app then loading each link then finding the image on each individual page but surely this would take a lot longer especially on 3g and use more data.
I have build what i think is a good gui to display the images, i tried using the fliker view example but could not get it to work as the flicker viewer required all the images to be on the same page (i could do 10 different pages but the 10 pages change every week).
each image also has a title with it which will be shown in a label in the app. what i was planning to do was write a desktop application that updates a small text file on my website showing the 10 image urls and 10 titles, i could easily make a desktop program that found the links and titles... but im not sure how i would read the image url and title in b4a (i can put them in any format).
oyea and the website has a sister website that requires the top 10 photos from aswel.
one last thing, when making the interface i put direct links in the app image views to test images on my website but every now and then different images would appear in the image views. the urls were in code so they never changed but when i uploaded a different image (to test the app; panorama and other various dimensions) the app would keep showing old images so are the images been stored in local memory???
im sorry if i have explained badly... Any help/advice would be appreciated.
The website has a large user submitted photo section that each week the photos are rated and a rss page shows the top 10 photos of the week, this app will then show the photos...
The rss has a thumb nail of each image and a link to the users page that holds the full size image, the full image url is not on the rss. i thought about loading the rss on the app then loading each link then finding the image on each individual page but surely this would take a lot longer especially on 3g and use more data.
I have build what i think is a good gui to display the images, i tried using the fliker view example but could not get it to work as the flicker viewer required all the images to be on the same page (i could do 10 different pages but the 10 pages change every week).
each image also has a title with it which will be shown in a label in the app. what i was planning to do was write a desktop application that updates a small text file on my website showing the 10 image urls and 10 titles, i could easily make a desktop program that found the links and titles... but im not sure how i would read the image url and title in b4a (i can put them in any format).
oyea and the website has a sister website that requires the top 10 photos from aswel.
one last thing, when making the interface i put direct links in the app image views to test images on my website but every now and then different images would appear in the image views. the urls were in code so they never changed but when i uploaded a different image (to test the app; panorama and other various dimensions) the app would keep showing old images so are the images been stored in local memory???
im sorry if i have explained badly... Any help/advice would be appreciated.