Hi all,
iam using a webview to fetch sql data using 'Executehtml2' function od Dbutils..
details are given below:-
1) first i started an activity named DBWebView on a Button click event
2) then on DBWebView Activity :
Now iam using ExecuteHTML2 function of DBUtils to show sql data (related to doctors with id) in a HTML table format in a webview and it is already working but i want to show another webview if i click any row of existing webview to show the details of that Dr. from another table whose id = webview1 dr id.... how
iam using a webview to fetch sql data using 'Executehtml2' function od Dbutils..
details are given below:-
1) first i started an activity named DBWebView on a Button click event
Sub DrListBtn_Click
x = 0
End Sub
2) then on DBWebView Activity :
Sub Globals
Dim wbwTable As WebView
Dim Back As Button
Dim Spinner1 As Spinner
Dim Search As Button
Dim RptTeamSpn As Spinner
Dim empid As EditText
Dim emplvl As EditText
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
RptTeamSpn.SetLayout (0%x, 0%y, 80%x, 10%y)
Search.SetLayout (80%x, 0%y, 20%x, 10%y)
wbwTable.SetLayout(0%x, 10%y, 100%x, 88%y)
Back.SetLayout (0%x, 88%y, 25%x, 10%y)
DBUtils.ExecuteSpinner(Main.SQL1, "select NAME from TAB_TEAM ORDER BY NAME", Null, 0, RptTeamSpn)
End Sub
Sub ShowTableInWebView
If emplvl.Text = "" Then
Msgbox("Select Name Properly", "")
End If
If emplvl.Text = 0 Then
Msgbox("Higher level Data Cannot be shown", "")
End If
Dim txt As String
'txt = "select [DR], [DRID] FROM " & Main.DBTableName &" "& "where [EID]=" & Main.empid
Dim x As Int
x= Main.x
Select x
Case 0
txt = "select DISTINCT [DR], [DRID], [EID] FROM " & Main.DBTableName &" "& "where [EID]=" & empid.Text
wbwTable.LoadHtml(DBUtils.ExecuteHtml2(Main.SQL1, txt, Null, 0, True, 16 * Scale.GetScaleX))
Case 1
txt = "select [HOSPNAME], [area], [EID] FROM " & Main.DBTableName1 &" "& "where [EID]=" & empid.Text
wbwTable.LoadHtml(DBUtils.ExecuteHtml2(Main.SQL1, txt, Null, 0, True, 16 * Scale.GetScaleX))
Case 2
txt = "select [area], [AID] FROM " & Main.DBTABLENAME3 &" "& "where [EID]=" & empid.Text
wbwTable.LoadHtml(DBUtils.ExecuteHtml2(Main.SQL1, txt, Null, 0, True, 16 * Scale.GetScaleX))
End Select
wbwTable.LoadHtml(DBUtils.ExecuteHtml2(Main.SQL1, txt, Null, 0, True, 16 * Scale.GetScaleX))
End Sub
Sub Back_Click
End Sub
Sub Search_Click
End Sub
Sub RptTeamSpn_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim kk As Cursor
kk = Main.SQL1.ExecQuery ("Select EID from tab_team where [Name]='" & RptTeamSpn.SelectedItem &"'")
For i =0 To kk.RowCount -1
kk.Position = i
empid.Text = kk.GetString ("EID")
Dim k1 As Cursor
k1 = Main.SQL1.ExecQuery ("Select ID from tab_team where [Name]='" & RptTeamSpn.SelectedItem &"'")
For i =0 To k1.RowCount -1
k1.Position = i
emplvl.Text = k1.GetString ("ID")
End Sub
Now iam using ExecuteHTML2 function of DBUtils to show sql data (related to doctors with id) in a HTML table format in a webview and it is already working but i want to show another webview if i click any row of existing webview to show the details of that Dr. from another table whose id = webview1 dr id.... how