Ah, ok, well it's not a creation, simply a demo of the WebView object.
I wished to demo how the WebView object can be used to create professional looking pages for documentation.
I was going to go with something like the CusomListView then try to colour some of the text etc. but using a WebView I can insert pictures, styles etc. and so much more.
One of the screens I intend to make for my app will be a 'Nag' screen which will enable the users to download a fully functional version of the app but they will on occasion be presented with this 'Nag' screen to remind them that this is the free trial version and hopefully convince them that purchasing the app will encourage further development and benefit everyone.
After my experiments with WebView today I realise that I can use this and I can stick an animated gif of a horses head moving and I can play a horse 'whinny' sound each time the Nag screen shows
(A Nag is slang for an old horse)
P.S. No-one has asked how I did this yet

It's really easy but perhaps no-one is interested, oh well, shame
As they say, you can lead a horse to water ... (pun intended)