I have an issue where a website wont display in a Webview when it is run from a .exe. It works fine in debug and release mode when run from the IDE but when it runs from a .exe it wont display the page.
I created a test program which traps Webengine errrors.
And I get the following result:
I cant post the link to the actual page because it's an OAuth 2 landing page so the link has my Client Id in it. But the link in the attached test project causes the same issue. It shows this page when run from the IDE:
I created a test program which traps Webengine errrors.
Sub Class_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private JOWebView As JavaObject
Private WebView1 As WebView
Private OAuthLogin As Form
Private AuthCode As String = ""
Private OAuthLoginResult As LoginResult
Private LoginWWW As String
Private JOWebEngine As JavaObject
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(ParentForm As Form,LoginPage As String)
OAuthLogin.Title = "OAuth Login"
OAuthLogin.Resizable = False
LoginWWW = LoginPage
JOWebView = WebView1
'Add listener to Webengine Exception Poperty
JOWebEngine = JOWebView.RunMethodJO("getEngine",Null).RunMethodJO("getLoadWorker",Null)
Dim o As Object = JOWebEngine.CreateEvent("javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener","webengine",False)
End Sub
Public Sub ShowLogin() As ResumableSub
Wait For WebView1_PageFinished
If AuthCode.Length > 0 Then
OAuthLoginResult.AuthCode = AuthCode
Return OAuthLoginResult
Return ""
End If
End Sub
'Handle webengine exceptions and load error page
Sub webengine_Event(MethodName As String, Args() As Object)' ignore the arguments
Dim JO As JavaObject
JO = Args(2)
Log("Webengine Failed: " & JO.RunMethod("getMessage",Null))
WebView1.LoadHtml("Webengine Failed: " & JO.RunMethod("getMessage",Null))
End Sub
Sub WebView1_LocationChanged (Location As String)
End Sub
Sub WebView1_PageFinished (Url As String)
End Sub
Sub SetLoginPage(WWWPAge As String)
LoginWWW = WWWPAge
End Sub
And I get the following result:

I cant post the link to the actual page because it's an OAuth 2 landing page so the link has my Client Id in it. But the link in the attached test project causes the same issue. It shows this page when run from the IDE: