It is not only a matter of work. The platforms are different. The UI is different and the main concepts are different.
If you hide those differences with a heavy abstraction layer then you lose platform specific functionality. For example Android supports services and iOS doesn't. You cannot ignore this fundamental feature.
There are many other differences of course.
you are right erel but what do all those companies that offers a cross platform tool? do they ignore for example Services on Android? how do they solve that issue?
actually i am more talking about simple stuff where almost everything is the same but still you have to write it differently. maybe it could be possible to create a tool in b4j where u enter a b4a code and convert it to b4i (including all subs extras like page resize,... ) and also from b4i to b4a
i think it should be possible when we concentrate only on core functions like simple controls (labels, buttons, imageviews, panels, canvas,...)