What do you use for graphics?


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And by that I mean what drawing program do you use for making buttons, art, text banners for your applications? Been looking around and of course Photoshop is an option but sadly out of my league budget wise, is anyone familiar with inkscape? How is that for a newcomer?


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For simple graphic changes I use Paint.Net. It is simple to use but very powerful.
And it is free for commercial or personal use.


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I can second Paint.Net. It seems like I have used that for 20 years or so. I call it an "Engineering" oriented image editor, versus Photoshop, which I call an "Artistic" oriented image editor. In my opinion, very excellent.

I also use tools that I find online to draw banner images with fancy fonts, or button images with rounded corners and shaded backgrounds.

Unfortunately, I can never remember the name of the good ones I have found. I always end up Googling for terms like "banner images" or "button maker". You'd think I would bookmark the pages so I can find them later :(.



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Unfortunately, I can never remember the name of the good ones I have found. I always end up Googling for terms like "banner images" or "button maker". You'd think I would bookmark the pages so I can find them later :(.

:D happens always to me too


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Photoshop for raster/bitmap gfx. Used Paint.Net & Paint Shop Pro aswell but at some point they always lacked features that are standard in Photoshop.

InkScape or Illustrator if vectors get involved.


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I almost never need the full power of my Photoshop for programming work so I just use GIMP for those raster tasks.
Illustrator for full power vectors and significant resizing of rasters (auto-outlining 'stroke' to vectors) but Expression Design 4 for basic vectoring tasks.
Visio for flat, line graphics, project graphs and dimensioning work.
Sketchup for basic 3d line modeling and dimensioned plans. "RAD for 3d modeling"
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro for small graphics and icons. Probably my most used graphics tool for programming tasks.


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Xara Designer, Inkscape, Riot (for optimization)


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I use Inkscape. There are a few Youtube tutorials on how to create buttons using Inkscape so give it a watch to see if its what you want to use.
Compare it to Youtube tutorials on making Gimp buttons or Photoshop or Sketch App (Mac Only).

Since Android v5+ supports SVG so you don't need to resize a raster bitmap to fit different resolutions, you might want a graphics program that supports SVG. Inkscape (and other graphics software) has (or had?) a problem with its SVG being compatible with Android and I don't know if it has been fixed. You will need to research it and test it yourself. Sketch is also suppose to be quite good and some prefer it over Adobe Illustrator but it only runs on Mac. People have been able to run it on Windows with VmWare if you have a fast machine.

Here are a few links concerning SVG and Android:


You will also of course need to check the B4A forums to see if there are problems using SVG libraries.


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(Paint.net + MS Paint + MS Word)
I use the above trio and find it perfect.


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Inkscape (and other graphics software) has (or had?) a problem with its SVG being compatible with Android and I don't know if it has been fixed.

it's the other way around actually.

the/some svg libs don't support all features that SVG has, gradients to name one.

in some cases you need to manually tweak the svg file a bit to make it work.
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Thanks a lot for the suggestions, I'm going to focus on Paint.Net for now, seems like there are a lot of solid examples on their site.


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Imaging: paint.net
Video: WeVideo (cloud-based video editor.)


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You can also try krita for graphics
Never used it but all the people I know that uses it is happy with it...