As opposed to just the option "Allow only while using he app"
I have 2 apps that have the exact same Mainifest and both runs rp.CheckAndRequest(rp.PERMISSION_ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) but on one the user also get asked the "Allow all the time" option while the other one only asks "Allow only while using the app" and no all the time option.
They both use the same libraries of the same version
They both dim Location as LocationManager in the Main module.
They both dim GPS1 As GPS in the Service module.
They both utilize the
Service.StartForeground(nid, CreateNotification("..."))
to keep them running in the background with a "1" on the icon.
With the new Google Play rules and demand for extra documentation this is an impoortant conundrum. I would like to remove the all the time option from some apps because location when app is in foreground is good enough for them and they then don't need special Google validations. While I'd like to add it to another app so it will also record in the background.
I have 2 apps that have the exact same Mainifest and both runs rp.CheckAndRequest(rp.PERMISSION_ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) but on one the user also get asked the "Allow all the time" option while the other one only asks "Allow only while using the app" and no all the time option.
They both use the same libraries of the same version
They both dim Location as LocationManager in the Main module.
They both dim GPS1 As GPS in the Service module.
They both utilize the
Service.StartForeground(nid, CreateNotification("..."))
to keep them running in the background with a "1" on the icon.
With the new Google Play rules and demand for extra documentation this is an impoortant conundrum. I would like to remove the all the time option from some apps because location when app is in foreground is good enough for them and they then don't need special Google validations. While I'd like to add it to another app so it will also record in the background.