Android Question What to do with Admob banner Ad when user is typing?


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Don't rely on the default adjustPan mode. Switch to adjustResize and handle the layout resizing yourself.

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Yes I am handling the layout myself now but I have no idea of what to do with the banner AD as it's pinned to the user screen bottom.

Google says you must not show your banner Ads in a way that leads to accidental clicks.

I have searched the forum and even stackoverflow but no answer to this.

Do I hide the banner while the user is typing or leave it? Currently I am hiding it then showing it back after the user is done typing but I wanted to know if others suggest the same.

Also on android 4 and 5, when I hide it with the IME event, once the user is done typing and I try to reshow it, it scatters the layout sometimes and I don't know why so was looking for how others handle their banner Ad.
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I have a banner AD in all my screens but when a user type, the app pushes the AD above the keyboard.

I don't think this is allowed by Admob so what do I do with my banner ADS when users are typing and after they stop typing?
Can you put a screenshot of this behaviour to see and understand better?
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Hi, this is what happens when the user is typing:

iPhone X-XS-11 Pro – 1.png

I read somewhere that maybe one should move the banner to the top but then AdMob rules states you shouldn't be moving the banner around and it must not cover or block the core app feature or nav.
On smaller device screens, this would end up being an issue so I don't think moving it to the top like this is a good idea:

iPhone X-XS-11 Pro – 2.png

Also, all this moving around is supposed to happen each time a user wants to type, what do you suggest?
I recently started hiding the banner when a user is typing but not sure what is ok or not.

When the user finishes typing, using the IME library, I try to restore the banner but on an older device like android 4 & 5( very important I support them), sometimes the banner scatters in the layout.
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