Android Question whatsapp problem


Licensed User

I'm using whatsapp library , and I've a question about it .

I want to add new contact on whatsapp and chat with him.

1- I checked if the contact is already exist.

If whapp.existPhoneNumber("+9999999") == False  Then
   whapp.createPhoneNumber("name", "+9999999", "email")
End If

2- Openning chat with him by this code :

- The problem :
whatsapp need some time to refresh his list and to recognize the new contact , so when using the above code , always will show me a message that this contact does not have whatsapp.

So I close my app , open whatsapp , wait for a seconds , and then the whatsapp icon will show in the new contact , and the above code will work too.

My question :
Is there any way to check by my app if the new contact is recognized by whatsapp ? if yes will use the code "OpenCheatWithNumber" , if not , will keep the waiting message.

are there another library or code to solve my problem ?

Thank you in advanced .
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