Sound effects ...I have one ..bonus sound that I use around all my apps

Your can use share and play buttons most of the time with same signature
Splashscreen can be symple , white sreen and a logo in the midle it should be easy
Nobody say that you could use pressed drawable action to see how a button is pressed .
Recently I have tested some of the stupid success stories of google play (Cirle by Cetchapp)...i realised some stupid shit that makes no sense drive uses mad and up to their limit .... Graphics ...lines and 100 cirle design
More every day I speak with gamers ...mostly youth and students and ask what is so interested in some of the games ...I am stunned to see how the shit is driving all mad ....
Conclusion ....
Be careful to graphics , nice an clear design and great idea of the game, sory (make something stupid and you will be the king over 1 bilion gamelovers )... what is true is that if the app has one single button ....make it pleasant ..(I remember the app : ...<Useless button>