I'm writing a program that uses a lot of buttons.
In this example 24. The buttons create correctly.
I am storing the button number in the .tag property.
When I click a button the Msgbox shows a tag value of 24 all the time.
Any ideas what is going on? I'm not seeing it.
I modeled this after Erel's Tick Tack Toe example but must have done something wrong.
F.Y.I. I have already written this program in another language where this would be a perfect example of how to use a class. In that language the buttons are defined as classes and then the class is used to make the instances needed.
In this example 24. The buttons create correctly.
I am storing the button number in the .tag property.
When I click a button the Msgbox shows a tag value of 24 all the time.
Sub CreateBuildingButtons
Dim MaxXButtons As Int
Dim MaxYButtons As Int
Dim XButtonCount As Int
Dim YButtonCount As Int
Dim ButtonCount As Int
Dim ButtonImage As Bitmap
Dim XButtonPos As Int
Dim YButtonPos As Int
Dim BldgCheckButton As Button
Dim BuildingLabel As Label
'Set beginning button information.
MaxXButtons = 5
MaxYButtons = 3
ButtonCount = 0
XButtonPos = 35
YButtonPos = 20
For YButtonCount = 0 To MaxYButtons
'Create rows
For XButtonCount = 0 To MaxXButtons
'Create columns
'Create button
BldgCheckButton.Tag = ButtonCount
'Building Name as label
BuildingButtonName(ButtonCount) = "Building Label"
BuildingLabel.TextSize = 18
BuildingLabel.TextColor = Colors.Black
BuildingLabel.Gravity = 1
BuildingLabel.Text = BuildingButtonName(ButtonCount)
BuildingPanel.AddView(BuildingLabel,XButtonPos,YButtonPos +10,170,40)
'Reading as label
BuildingButtonReading(ButtonCount) = "999.9F"
BuildingLabel.TextSize = 18
BuildingLabel.TextColor = Colors.Black
BuildingLabel.Gravity = 0
BuildingLabel.Text = BuildingButtonReading(ButtonCount)
BuildingPanel.AddView(BuildingLabel,XButtonPos+10 ,YButtonPos+90,170,40)
ButtonCount = ButtonCount +1
XButtonPos = XButtonPos + 210
BuildingButton(XButtonCount,YButtonCount) = BldgCheckButton
YButtonPos = YButtonPos + 140
XButtonPos = 35
End Sub
Sub BldgCheckButton_Click
Dim B As Button
Dim ButNum As String
B = Sender
ButNum = B.tag
Msgbox("Text is: " &B.tag," Bldg Button Clicked")
End Sub
Any ideas what is going on? I'm not seeing it.
I modeled this after Erel's Tick Tack Toe example but must have done something wrong.
F.Y.I. I have already written this program in another language where this would be a perfect example of how to use a class. In that language the buttons are defined as classes and then the class is used to make the instances needed.