B4R Question WiFi not working after flash


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I have make several examples to test my esp8266 esp-01 board from AI-THINKER.

All the examples seems like the WiFi not working after flash.

I can upload the code without any problems, and I get response from the module.

In the attached example I try the make a AP with example code from Erel.

I work fine an I get IP adress, but I can not see the AP on ex. my phones.

It never blink in the blue led on the board after flash. It feels like the WiFi part is off?

Anyone have this problem.



  • ESP8266.zip
    946 bytes · Views: 316


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It happened to me often. What I do to workaround it is to modify the WiFI credentials, upload, and connect it to my phone on Hotspot mode. Then I revert to my home WiFi. I think the key here is to connect to another WiFi network. Not sure about the root cause though.

I am using ESP8266-MOD 12E.
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Hi Suntzu,

Thank you for reply. I am not sure I understand what you mean by "modify the WiFI credentials" ?

I can not change from the esp8266 wifi to my home wifi because I never have seen the esp8266 wifi on my phone.

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I think he means trying to connect the esp as a "normal" device, giving it a known Wi-Fi ssid and password.
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Thank you Cableguy,

I have tried that. The module will not connect to my home network if I try that. It seems like the wifi part is off.

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Now I have got it to work. I have changed from Generic ESP8266 to ESPino (ESP-12 module) in the board manager.

This is strange. I think that the board IO have has only 512K ram, but the ESPino is set to 4K ram, but i works?

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