wifi or bluetooth


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Longtime User
i used to be able to use the b4bridge but since i upgraded to the
new version icant connect either wireless or bluetooth.
someone please help?????


Licensed User
Longtime User
for wireless i get ping failed{ip=}timed out

for bluetooth i get an error ocurred. no radio found
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B4X founder
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for wireless i get ping failed{ip=}timed out
This means that there is a network problem. You can try to manually ping the device IP. You will get the same result.
for bluetooth i get an error ocurred. no radio found
Might be a driver problem. You can try to reinstall the Bluetooth driver.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
1- how do 1 manually ping the device ip ??
If you are using MS Windows then click on Start
Start -> Run
On the Run window type CMD and hit Enter
then in the Dos window (the black window) type:
ping basic4ppc.com


click on Start then Run (and hit Enter)
type CMD (then hit Enter)
at Dos prompt type ipconfig /all (and hit enter)

if the response is the same time out then sorry, I don't know the next step
but for sure the problem is with your wifi connection or your ISP acts... etc.
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Have you tried restarting your phone?

I have seen that happen a few times when doing a lot of starting and stopping of the test app on my phone. I may have restarted the IDE at the same time, but I think a phone restart is what fixed my problem.
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