Wish Wish: Text filter in log panel

Martin Larsen

Active Member
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Longtime User
Something I really miss is a text filter for the log panel. When developing I use many log statements to make sure I get the expected results for various subs, and to follow the execution path, especially for asynchronous stuff such as app lifecycles and GPS events etc.

However, when debugging and looking for specific outputs, the many log lines can be confusing. Therefore I wish a filter similar to the browsers' dev console:

Above I show only log lines that match "foo". Preferably, the filter should be able to accept a regex, just like the dev console.

Do not confuse my wish with the current Filter checkbox which has nothing to do with this.

Second (not so important wish): Show the module and line number in the mouse over. You can click on the arrow to go to the exact place, but sometimes just knowing the module and line number could be useful.
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