I'm glad to hear that the Android version is on the go. http://www.b4x.com/forum/questions-help-needed/6004-connection-name.html
But at the same time I'm afraid that some wishes will be put in the background and not beeing fullfilled.
I had a wish, for the IDE, which is still important to me, as reported here: http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4ppc-wishlist/1199-ide-form-designer.html
It is really boring to search for a Control only with the Next button, most of the time I pass it and there is no
mean, at least to go back. So I must go through all Controls and mostly missing it twice.
My wish is:
- having a ComboBox to select any Control in the Form.
- or at least a Previous button to go back, but this would, really only, be the minimal feature.
- the ideal function would be: selecting the Control in the IDE, displaying directly the Form Designer with the selected Control brought to front, but this is, i'm afraid, only a dream.
- Other wishes for the IDE
- beeing able to set a Panel in a Panel without having the need to use the FormLib library.
- beeing able to set the TextAlign paramter for Labels and TextBoxes directly in the IDE.
Another wish is about the variables:
- the possibility to pass array variables by reference in Sub's.
- integer variables as iterators in For-Next loops, and treated as Integers and not as Double (Number). I
remember that in VisualBasic (VB6 and older) For-Next loops with Integer iterators were much faster than with Double iterators.
But Double iterators must still remain available !
The first one, for me, is the most important, really boring and not only sometimes but too often for me!
I have the habit to use several Panels on a same Form instead of having a lot of different Forms.
Best regards.
But at the same time I'm afraid that some wishes will be put in the background and not beeing fullfilled.
I had a wish, for the IDE, which is still important to me, as reported here: http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4ppc-wishlist/1199-ide-form-designer.html
It is really boring to search for a Control only with the Next button, most of the time I pass it and there is no
mean, at least to go back. So I must go through all Controls and mostly missing it twice.
My wish is:
- having a ComboBox to select any Control in the Form.
- or at least a Previous button to go back, but this would, really only, be the minimal feature.
- the ideal function would be: selecting the Control in the IDE, displaying directly the Form Designer with the selected Control brought to front, but this is, i'm afraid, only a dream.
- Other wishes for the IDE
- beeing able to set a Panel in a Panel without having the need to use the FormLib library.
- beeing able to set the TextAlign paramter for Labels and TextBoxes directly in the IDE.
Another wish is about the variables:
- the possibility to pass array variables by reference in Sub's.
- integer variables as iterators in For-Next loops, and treated as Integers and not as Double (Number). I
remember that in VisualBasic (VB6 and older) For-Next loops with Integer iterators were much faster than with Double iterators.
But Double iterators must still remain available !
The first one, for me, is the most important, really boring and not only sometimes but too often for me!
I have the habit to use several Panels on a same Form instead of having a lot of different Forms.
Best regards.