Wishlist - quick connect B4A bridge


Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm forever clicking tools...B4A bridge...Connect wireless

How about a "Quick connect" icon that attempts to connect with the last settings used.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Not necessarily by itself, but while switching between 2 instances of b4a you have to reconnect. Just a button colored green when connected and red when not would be nice.


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Right on!

My bridge get disconnected a lot, maybe my Wifi flickers
I would love if
1. you will add a quick reconnect button
2. add an option to reconnect / retry so if get disconneced both phone app and PC will try to reconnect few times over few minutes

one thing that I do, is leaving a phone at home connected all the time, so when I'm out and developing using remote control (at least for some apps) I do not need to deploy it on my cell phone usinf drop box, I can compile and delpoy on my stay home phone - of course for some apps its not good enough since you need to operate the phone
