Wish woocommerce Lib

You don't need any special library to access REST APIs. Use OkHttpUtils2.
i Know but i don't want use json parser i want use library Like this in link it for visual basic dot net and c# :

c# Code:
using WooCommerceNET.WooCommerce.v3;
using WooCommerceNET.WooCommerce.v3.Extension;

RestAPI rest = new RestAPI("http://www.yourstore.co.nz/wp-json/wc/v3/", "<WooCommerce Key>", "<WooCommerce Secret");
WCObject wc = new WCObject(rest);

//Get all products
var products = await wc.Product.GetAll();

//Add new product
Product p = new Product()
                name = "test product 8",
                title = "test product 8",
                description = "test product 8",
                price = 8.0M
await wc.Product.Add(p);

//Update products with new values
await wc.Product.Update(128, new Product { name = "test 9" });

//Update products with Null values
await wc.Product.UpdateWithNull(128, new { name = "test 9", weight = "", date_on_sale_from = "", date_on_sale_to = "" });

//Delete product
await wc.Product.Delete(128);

//Use parameters
var p = await wc.Product.GetAll(new Dictionary<string, string>() {
                { "include", "10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15" },
                { "per_page", "15" } });

//Batch add/update/delete
CustomerBatch cb = new CustomerBatch();

List<Customer> create = new List<Customer>();
create.Add(new Customer()
    first_name = "first",
    last_name = "last",
    email = "[email protected]",
    username = "firstnlast",
    password = "12345"

List<Customer> update = new List<Customer>();
update.Add(new Customer()
    id = 4,
    last_name = "xu2"

List<int> delete = new List<int>() { 8 };
cb.create = create;
cb.update = update;
cb.delete = delete;

var c = await wc.Customer.UpdateRange(cb);