wrapping java library?


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Hi all !

Can someone point me in right direction, I searched forums but i did not find useful example on how to wrap java library.

I need to wrap jsoup-1.6.2.jar java library to be able to use it with B4a.

jsoup is an open source project distributed under the liberal MIT license.

Library Link : Download the jsoup HTML parser library

Is it possible to do that for this particulary library or not? And if yes , how ? :/

Thanks in advance :)
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Hmm it would be great if someone with advanced skills in java and enough free time to do that for us (noobs with java :D ) , in a tutorial manner with this lib.

And maybe if we learn something from it to contribute this great comunity , to bring more libraries and make Basic4android even better..

Any one ? :)

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Ok thanks , i'll try but learning another programming language is time consuming for me, learning b4a + java + my full time job... oh man... :( :D

thanks anyway :sign0089:
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