In my layout I have a button called btnExample and the following designer script:
The layout does not contain a view with the name used in the script.
During compilation I get this error:
This error message is not correct. Instead it should point out that there is no view named btnSomethingElse.
btnSomethingElse.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
The layout does not contain a view with the name used in the script.
During compilation I get this error:
B4A version: 6.80
Parsing code. (0.04s)
Compiling code. (0.28s)
Compiling layouts code. Error
'=' expected.
Error File: layoutexample.bal
Go to the designer script page to debug this error.
This error message is not correct. Instead it should point out that there is no view named btnSomethingElse.