I was looking at the example Erel did https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/cards-list-with-customlistview.87720/#content
However on my phone as mentioned lblContent of Card1.bal does not increase the size based on its contents.
Is there an easy way to get the size and increase the panel height ?
The above is one example but in my user case I was thinking of having a dynamically size B4XTable which may have varying rows.
Would that size and adjust the panel ?
Apologise if the answers is obvious but pretty new to B4X
I was looking at the example Erel did https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/cards-list-with-customlistview.87720/#content
However on my phone as mentioned lblContent of Card1.bal does not increase the size based on its contents.
Is there an easy way to get the size and increase the panel height ?
The above is one example but in my user case I was thinking of having a dynamically size B4XTable which may have varying rows.
Would that size and adjust the panel ?
Apologise if the answers is obvious but pretty new to B4X