Hello guys, i was wondering if anyone here can help me out figure out how to parse an xml portion below is the exact portion i'm working with, my code is working i get no error but i get nothing,
here's my portion of my code that takes care of the parsing
can anyone look at it and maybe give me some pointers, i know i must be missing something, any and all help will be greatly appreciated
i just need to retrieve the representative names and maybe the district, can anyone please help me figure this out?
<rep name="Brad Sherman" party="D" state="CA" district="27" phone="202-225-5911" office="2242 Rayburn House Office Building" link="http://bradsherman.house.gov/"/>
<rep name="Howard Berman" party="D" state="CA" district="28" phone="202-225-4695" office="2221 Rayburn House Office Building" link="http://www.house.gov/berman/"/>
<rep name="Barbara Boxer" party="D" state="CA" district="Junior Seat" phone="202-224-3553" office="112 Hart Senate Office Building" link="http://boxer.senate.gov"/>
<rep name="Dianne Feinstein" party="D" state="CA" district="Senior Seat" phone="202-224-3841" office="331 Hart Senate Office Building" link="http://feinstein.senate.gov"/>
can anyone look at it and maybe give me some pointers, i know i must be missing something, any and all help will be greatly appreciated
Sub Parser_EndElement (Uri As String, Name As String, Text As StringBuilder)
Dim replistview1 As List
If parser.Parents.IndexOf("result") > -1 Then
If Name = "rep" Then
repname = Text.ToString
End If
End If
If Name = "result" Then
ToastMessageShow(repname, True)
End If
End Sub
i just need to retrieve the representative names and maybe the district, can anyone please help me figure this out?