This library is modified based on Erel's source code. I tried popular SQLCipher libraries like Zetetic, Guardianproject but Sqlcipher worked better, even though this library is no longer updated.
Some functions, because I don't have time, I haven't tested them yet. I posted the source code here. If there are any errors, please download the source code from
* Create new database on Android OS
sqlci.initializeCipher("dtest", "swqhccKWiaLKJuPCGH2ebA==", 20)
* Copy other source from Asset folder:| If your database is blank password, it can't not change
Dim target As String = File.Combine(File.DirInternalCache, "db_cipher.db")
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "db_cipher.db",File.DirInternalCache, "db_cipher.db")
sqlci.initializeCopy("sqlci", target, "", 1)
* A tool help you create Sqlcipher on desktop: (
New method for xSQLCipher library:
ChangePassword(password As String)
ChangePassword(password() As Byte)
getDatabasePath As String
encrypt(RealPath As String, passphrase() As Byte)
decrypt(RealPath As String, passphrase() As Byte)
isDBEncrypted() as boolean
DeleteTable(table as string, where as string, arg as string)
PageSize() as long
DatabasePath() as string
GenerateAESKey and token
You can save your publickey to Preferences
Some functions, because I don't have time, I haven't tested them yet. I posted the source code here. If there are any errors, please download the source code from
* Create new database on Android OS
sqlci.initializeCipher("dtest", "swqhccKWiaLKJuPCGH2ebA==", 20)
* Copy other source from Asset folder:| If your database is blank password, it can't not change
Dim target As String = File.Combine(File.DirInternalCache, "db_cipher.db")
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "db_cipher.db",File.DirInternalCache, "db_cipher.db")
sqlci.initializeCopy("sqlci", target, "", 1)
* A tool help you create Sqlcipher on desktop: (
New method for xSQLCipher library:
ChangePassword(password As String)
ChangePassword(password() As Byte)
getDatabasePath As String
encrypt(RealPath As String, passphrase() As Byte)
decrypt(RealPath As String, passphrase() As Byte)
isDBEncrypted() as boolean
DeleteTable(table as string, where as string, arg as string)
PageSize() as long
DatabasePath() as string
GenerateAESKey and token
Dim tken As xEncrypter
Dim token As String = tken.encrypt(tken.generateAESKey, "12345678") ' 128 bits (16 bytes)
Dim seckey() As Byte = tken.SecretKey
Log("HEX=" & tken.parseByte2HexStr(seckey))
You can save your publickey to Preferences
Dim tokenManganer As TokenManager
tokenManganer.saveTokenToPreferences("sql_pass", token)
#AdditionalJar: sqlite-2.4.0.aar
#AdditionalJar: android-database-sqlcipher-4.5.4.aar
Dim sqlci As xSQLCipher
Dim key As String = "Hello world"
Dim c As B4XCipher
Dim b() As Byte = c.Encrypt(key.GetBytes("utf8"), "12345678")
sqlci.initializeCipher(sqlci, "db3.db", "12345678", 1)
Sub Button1_Click
sqlci.ExecNonQuery("CREATE TABLE table1 (col1 TEXT, col2 INTEGER, col3 INTEGER)")
For i=0 To 10
sqlci.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (?, ?, ?)", Array As Object("some text" & i, i, i * 2))
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click
Dim Cursor As Cursor
Cursor = sqlci.ExecQuery("SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1")
For i = 0 To Cursor.RowCount - 1
Cursor.Position = i
End Sub
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