Android Question Yahoo currency conversion

Roger Daley

Well-Known Member
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Hi All,

I am attempting to change the server used in Erels Currency Converter Example, from:
URL = ""
to Yahoo currency converter.

I thought it would be easy. [Idiot]

I have found samples Java code for Yahoo currency conversion and tried lifting the URL. Fail.
I am Web address inept. Please help



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People trying to help you will want to see what code you've tried, links to the Java snippets you found, and URLs attempted.
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Roger Daley

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the last one should be really easy with httputils. Hsve you tried?
For the others i guess you should search for the documentation of this API.
I´m pretty sure it can be easily handled with httputils too
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the yahoo one just returns an XML set where the <ASK> paremeter value if probably the rate.

when you look at the USDEUR parameters the ASK value is 0.9444.

so $1 = €0.9444
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Roger Daley

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Thanks Guys,

I am still stumbling around trying things. I am sure it is simple if I had the vaguest ides of what I am doing.
This is the code that works, commented out are various attempts to use Yahoo.

Sub ConvToView_ItemClick (Position As Int, ResultsValue As Object)
    Private temp As String
    toCountry = "ABC"
    Select AllData
        Case 0: Disp = LengthData(Position,3):  temp = LengthData(Position,1)
        Case 1:    Disp = AreaData(Position,3):    temp = AreaData(Position,1)   
        Case 2: Disp = VolumeData(Position,3):  temp = VolumeData(Position,1)   
        Case 3: Disp = MassData(Position,3):    temp = MassData(Position,1)       
        Case 4: Disp = SpeedData(Position,3):   temp = SpeedData(Position,1)
        Case 5: Disp = PowerData(Position,3):   temp = PowerData(Position,1)
        Case 6: toCountry = countries.get(Position)
    End Select
    toCountry = toCountry.SubString2(0, 3)
    If AllData <> 6 Then            'Do for all except Currency
        Buffer = ""
        If Two_flag = 1 Then
            Idisplay.Text = IDispTXT
            Two_flag = 0
        End If
        Idisplay.Text = temp
        Private request As HttpRequest
        URL = ""
        'URL = ""       'GBPEUR=X&f=l1"
        'URL = " GBPEUR=X&f=l1"
        request.InitializeGet(URL & fromCountry & "&ToCurrency=" & toCountry)
        'request.InitializeGet(URL & fromCountry & toCountry)
        request.Timeout = 10000 'set timeout to 10 seconds
        If HttpClient1.Execute(request, 1) = False Then Return 'Will be false if their is already a running task (with the same id).
        ProgressDialogShow("Calling server...")                            'get Currency and output result
    End If
    ConvToView.RemoveView                                    'Exit ListView.
    lblTitle.Top = 0%y
    ListBack.Top = lblTitle.Top
    ListFlag = 0
End Sub

Sub HttpClient1_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
    Private result,i, i2,  FromDisp, ToDisp As String
    Private ToResult As Double
    result = Response.GetString("UTF8")                     'Convert the response to a string
    Log("Result = " &result)
    Private rate As Double
    'Parse the result
    i = result.IndexOf(".NET/")
    If i = -1 Then
        Msgbox("Invalid response.", "Error")
    End If
    i2 = result.IndexOf2("<", i + 1)
    rate = result.substring2(i + 7, i2)
    rate = Max(rate,0)
    If IsNumber(Rdisplay.Text) = False Then
        Msgbox("Please enter a valid number.", "Error")
    End If
    'Set the answer
    FromDisp = Rdisplay.Text&"   "&fromCountry
    ToResult = Round2(Rdisplay.Text*rate,2)
    ToDisp = ToResult&"   "&toCountry&"     "
    If rate = 0 Then ToDisp = "----   "&toCountry&"     "
    Rdisplay.Text = FromDisp
    Idisplay.Text = ToDisp
End Sub

Any suggestions welecome.

Regards Roger
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B4X founder
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The currency converter is a very old example. You should always use HttpUtils2.

The web service doesn't seem to work properly. It always returns -1:

You can use this code to access this web service:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim j As HttpJob
   j.Initialize("currency", Me)
   j.Download2("", _
     Array As String("FromCurrency", "USD", "ToCurrency", "EUR"))
End Sub

Sub JobDone(job As HttpJob)
   If job.Success Then
     Dim m As Matcher = Regex.Matcher(">([-\d\.]+)<", job.GetString)
     If m.Find Then
       Log($"Rate = $1.2{m.Group(1)}"$)
       Log("Error parsing result")
     End If
   End If
End Sub
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Roger Daley

Well-Known Member
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Thanks Erel, is certainly the problem. Unfortunately using HttpUtils2 doesn't change anything. [Rate = -1] I have had good reports of the Yahoo service and am trying use that. Unfortunately I have zero knowledge on how to do this, I don't have sufficient understanding to frame a sensible question.

Regards Roger
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I guess you better read some http & xml tutorials first because you need a combination of those for the Yahoo one.
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Roger Daley

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Hi All,

I have been reading a lot and understanding a little. I have a solution to the problem, probably not the best solution but it works.
The code below has been extracted from the project and as such you have to assume that I have declared/initialized/etc some variables.
This Link is useful and shows how to download other related data.

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules
    Private countries As List
    Private fromCountry, toCountry, FromTo As String
    Private XRate As HttpJob
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    XRate.Initialize("currency", Me)
End Sub

Sub CurrencyFrom                      
'Load list with countries
   If countries.IsInitialized = False Then countries.Initialize
   If countries.Size = 0 Then countries = File.ReadList(File.DirAssets, "CountryCodes.txt"): countries.Sort(True)
        '"CountryCodes.txt" is a list from Erel's Currency Converter example.
End Sub

Sub ConvFromView_ItemClick (Position As Int, Unit As Object)
    If Not(F_common) Then Return
    Private temp As String = 1
    fromCountry = "ABC"
    Select AllData
            Case 0: temp = LengthData(Position,2)
            Case 1:    temp = AreaData(Position,2)       
            Case 2: temp = VolumeData(Position,2)   
            Case 3: temp = MassData(Position,2)       
            Case 4: temp = SpeedData(Position,2)   
            Case 5: temp = PowerData(Position,2)
            Case 6: fromCountry = countries.get(Position)
    End Select
    fromCountry = fromCountry.SubString2(0, 3)                         'Gets 3 letter code representing the countries  currency  IE USD
    ConvertCommon = Disp / temp
    ConvFromView.RemoveView                                        'Exit ListView.
    lblTitle.Top = 0%y
    ListBack.Top = lblTitle.Top
    CallSub("",NextConvTo)                                        'Sub CurrencyTo
End Sub

Sub ConvToView_ItemClick (Position As Int, ResultsValue As Object)
    Private temp As String
    toCountry = "ABC"
    Select AllData
        Case 0: Disp = LengthData(Position,3):  temp = LengthData(Position,1)
        Case 1:    Disp = AreaData(Position,3):    temp = AreaData(Position,1)   
        Case 2: Disp = VolumeData(Position,3):  temp = VolumeData(Position,1)   
        Case 3: Disp = MassData(Position,3):    temp = MassData(Position,1)       
        Case 4: Disp = SpeedData(Position,3):   temp = SpeedData(Position,1)
        Case 5: Disp = PowerData(Position,3):   temp = PowerData(Position,1)
        Case 6: toCountry = countries.get(Position)
    End Select
    toCountry = toCountry.SubString2(0, 3)
    If AllData <> 6 Then            'Do for all except Currency
        Buffer = ""
        If Two_flag = 1 Then
            Idisplay.Text = IDispTXT
            Two_flag = 0
        End If
        Idisplay.Text = temp
        FromTo = fromCountry&toCountry
        XRate.Download(""&FromTo&"=X&f=l1")   'Gets conversion rate between 2 currency's
    End If
    ConvToView.RemoveView                                    'Exit ListView.
    lblTitle.Top = 0%y
    ListBack.Top = lblTitle.Top
    ListFlag = 0
End Sub

Sub JobDone(job As HttpJob)
   If job.Success Then
        Private  Rate, FromDisp, ToDisp As String    'result,i, i2,
        Private ToResult, FromAmmount As Double
        FromAmmount = Rdisplay.Text
        Rate = job.GetString
        If Rate < 0 Then
            Msgbox("Invalid response.", "Error")
        End If
        If IsNumber(Rdisplay.Text) = False Then
            Msgbox("Please enter a valid number.", "Error")
        End If   
'        Set the answer
        FromDisp = Rdisplay.Text&"   "&fromCountry
        ToResult = Rate * FromAmmount
        ToResult = NumberFormat2(ToResult,1,2,2,False)
        ToDisp = ToResult&"   "&toCountry&"     "
        If ToResult = 0 Or ToResult < 0 Then ToDisp = "----   "&toCountry&"     "
        If IsNumber(ToResult) = False Then  ToDisp = "----   "&toCountry&"     "
        Rdisplay.Text = FromDisp
        Idisplay.Text = ToDisp
        ToastMessageShow ( "Error connecting to server.", True)
   End If
End Sub

Hopefully this will be helpful to those who follow in search of Yahoo currency.

Once again many thanks to those members above for the help, especially Erel and his code example.

Regards Roger
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