B4J Question Zx 48K Emulator


New Member
Hi, Im new to B4J and the ZX Emulator has got me interested in trying. However ive downloaded everything required i think? And the additional libraries. Ive followed the readme file but im getting these errors!

B4J Version: 8.31
Java Version: 11
Parsing code. Error
Error parsing program.
Error description: Unknown type: game
Are you missing a library reference?
Error occurred on line: 5 (X2BodyWrapper)
Public mGame As Game

Any ideas what im missing as X2BodyWrapper isnt coming up as a library search?

Kind Regards Lee


New Member
It is the X2 library. Should be included with B4J. Just check it in the libraries list.

Ive checked the librarys list and i appear to have version 1.23 which i have also down loaded and replaced as well. So i have unchecked everything and re-ran until i clear the error tags. The tiny little red and yellow markers appear and disappear as i check and un-check librarys.
I still appear to be having the X2BodyWrapper problem. You can see the minimum librarys that appear to be needed thus far.

Line 5 doesn't show a reference to the error in any of the modules referencing to line 5?

Kind Regards Lee


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New Member
It probably only uses XUI2D. Uncheck X2.

Okay tried doing this and same error? Any chance someone could load the ZX 48K emulator in the showcase section and try? Im trying to learn about B4j and Java. What may appear to be obvious mistakes arnt going to be for me? So id like to get up and running with the Emulator so i can tinker so to speak.
Maybe it only runs on an older version of B4J? Are there any links to older versions i could try?
Kind Regards Lee
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New Member
Have all the librarys and it Just dosent seem to work? So is it B4J the problem or the ZX 48K download the problem?
Reading the code dosent seem to highlight or show any syntax errors.
So im getting the X2Bodywrapper error shown in my Screen capture!?
Would of been a nice way to ease in to B4J with the Speccy Emulator to play with.
Ill keep an Eye on the thread just incase someone spots the error in X2. Or knows why it dosent work.
If anyone knows how to sort the error or maybe actually like to try the Download of the ZX Spectrum Emulator In the Showcase for B4J. And try and see if they get the same error starting from scratch. Id much appreciate the help.
I dont know why im getting the error, and i don't think im doing anything wrong.
When i came accross the Emulator show casing B4J, I just had to try it. Love the look and feel of B4J for a programming enviroment. The Emulator would of kept my interest in trying to learn B4J.
Im by no means new to programming by the way! Just B4J and it's Java like Syntax.
Kindest Regards Lee
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