iOS Question What event is raised when you click on a tab bar item ?

valentino s

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1) I've read on the forum that when I click on a tab bar item the event raised is:

Sub page1_Appear
End Sub

It seems that the event is raised only when the page changes.

But if I click again on the same item (just to refresh a random content, for example, in the same page) the event is not raised.

Is there any other method ?

Thanks to all.

2) Where can I find a list of events for every "object" ?

Until now I start writing and I wait for the help. So the helper suggests me:

I expect the same for page: but the help suggests _resize, not _appear, is it a bug or I'm looking for instructions in the wrong place ?:



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valentino s

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sub + space (+tab) ! Only space ... too simple :) Thanks.

I will look for another event like gotfocus on any object inside the page. Otherwise I'll change the interaction with the user.

Thanks !
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valentino s

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I knew about the tab key, but I forgot sub space tab :( I have to read it much more times then the forum :) It's enthusiasm, sorry ...
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