The Auduino is a sound synthesiser based on the Arduino platform. It works on all Arduinos running at 16MHz - everything from the original Arduino serial to the Arduino Mega. It uses granular...
Just a simple Coin Toss program with a java jCoinFlip library. Have fun. ;) Sorry found a bug, images would not include in Release but showed in Debug "they were 6 directories deep and I moved them to B4J projects under My Documents and it...
This Sub Counts Occurencnes of a Character Pattern in a string and returns the result as an Integer. Example: Log(CountOccurences("is", "This is a Simple Subroutine")) Result: 2 Sub CountOccurences(sPattern As String, sText As String) As Int...
This is a simple game in which you basically have to click the moving robots. 50 points to win. Plus Points to any who can figure out the meaning of the name :p (The jar exceeded 512 kb so open .b4j file once and compile :) )
Finished porting my wos4android app to a java app. I have to say b4j rocks, I had no major difficulties while porting, and the whole process was fast :) This app is for bars/cafes/restaurant, and covers the need of keeping track of orders and...
Hi All, wrote a small open source app to show colors in a listview with its name and hexvalue. In addition, the JavaFX ColorPicker enables to pick a color from the color palette. Enjoy,
Hi All, in my exitement further exploring this great product, I am working on a simple howto keeper. Although there is still a lot to do - ideas never stop - would like to share this early version. Shows usage of CSS, SQLite database, listview...
This is a basic Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client Class in B4J based on UDPSocket that can be used to retrieve the current time from NIST Internet Time Servers or local NTP servers on your LAN. It includes a 4 second "delay" to prevent...
Hi! This is my first B4J program and my first post :). The program is something similar to the old MS Minesweeper game, which I found a good challenge to help me get to know B4J. I'm a beginner at programming, so I'm sure there are lots of...
Hi just made in 30 min my first B4J app, a small simple calculator with history log coding is very ugly but its working :) msgbox library is needed download here the library: and...
Similar to but now in B4J ,eliminates the use of Android APP(Emulator) on a Windows PC It connects with RDC to the same MySql Database as the...
Here a little Java-like program in B4J. You have to use the library in the for it: Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String) Dim o As JOptionPane o.showMessageDialog(Null, "there will be a new window opened", "New...
Hi ... When I try to learn a new programming language always start with this program. The program worked well in winxp 32bits. No probe in other SO. I hope this program can help to new members. I am a beginner, sorry for the mistakes.
I took a simple b4a application for my first try in b4j, and did it in about 2.5 hours. Of course - I had to learn... For example - imageview does not have action event, only mouse events, so this took me some debug time. The application is...
roNoter Notes as one liners populated from a textfile into a listview Notes can be added, modified, deleted Shows usage of a listview, toolbar with buttons, load and save data to a text file The items in the text file are loaded in the listview...
Hi, This is my first application with B4J and I want share the project with all the comunity. It is very simple but I know that at the beginning is better share examples. This is a 'Test of Personality' based only on the person full name...
roContactZ Manage (insert, update, delete via buttons in a toolbar) contacts, stored in a SQLite Database, using a form with input fields and a listview. About information displayed via modalform. Uses own library to open URL/EMail. Download B4J...
Hi All, developed small app to calculate average split (Km/Hr, min/Km, m/min) for a given distance (meters) and time (hours,minutes,seconds). In addition a line chart displays the speed over a time period. Shows usage of panes, css styles...