B4J Tutorials

[ABMaterial] Using MS Excel as your reporting Engine for Database Records

Hi there...

This is a continuation of my previous posts about dynamic charts and dynamic sidebaritems. My next challenge was to use the already existing MS Excel templates for reporting, inside...
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[IoT] MQTT Protocol

What is MQTT?

"MQTT is a Client Server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol. It is light weight, open, simple, and designed so as to be easy to implement. These characteristics...


  • MQTTExample.zip
    2.7 KB · Views: 5,305
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Easier SQL Inserts

A standard SQL insert in B4J may look something like this:

 Dim InsertCustomerSQL As StringBuilder
   Dim InsertValues As List
   Dim InsertID As Long
   Dim RS As ResultSet...


  • EZSQLInsert.zip
    66.1 KB · Views: 387

[IoT][RPi] - Raspberry Pi Bluetooth Tutorial

Using the new jBluetooth library it is possible to communicate with Raspberry Pi devices over Bluetooth.

Bluetooth can be very useful in places where there is no local network.



  • bluecove_rpi_jars.zip
    449.8 KB · Views: 1,389
  • RPi_Bluetooth_B4J.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 1,257
  • RPi_Bluetooth_B4A.zip
    9.7 KB · Views: 1,091

TwitterZapier Library Tutorial


As I wanted to post messages to Twitter within my B4J app I couldn't find any Twitter library's (or code) to use with B4J, so I created this small library to allow me to tweet messages to...


  • upload_2018-7-21_19-26-5.png
    99.9 KB · Views: 294
  • upload_2018-7-21_19-31-20.png
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[ABMaterial] Package your WebApp with InnoSetup


Well, this is not related to ABM per se, but due to the fact that I wanted to package an ABM app for distribution for users to use in in their computers without the need of an internet...

[B4X] Resumable Subs - Sleep / Wait For

New video tutorial:

Resumable subs is a new feature added in B4J v5.50 / B4i v4.00 / B4A v7.00. It dramatically simplifies the handling of asynchronous tasks.
(This feature is a...
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[server] Conscrypt and Http/2

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[ABMaterial] Alternative lightweight charts

The official charts library of ABMaterial is Chartist, but because of its many features it is also a rather slow rendering js/css library and not always that easy to implement. @Mashiane...


  • FrappeChart.zip
    17.2 KB · Views: 543

[Server] Build a printer server with PrintHtml

[ABMaterial] New component ABMFileManager (4.25)

ABMFileManager is a new component in the upcoming ABM 4.25 to manage files on your server (where the .jar file runs), but is not limited to the www folder. This feature makes it very useful on...

[ABMaterial] Text2Speech


Been looking for this like forever...


MashSpeak(page,"I have been developing A.B.M. web apps for a while now. It's an enjoyable experience.",0.7)

Sub MashSpeak(pg As...
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[ABMaterial]: How to fit ABMGoogleMap to RC with SetFixedHeightFromBottom?


I have created an RC(2,1) and page.Cell(2,1).SetFixedHeightFromBottom(20, False)

The height of my ABMGoogleMap is 500 (int) however I want it to fit the whole RC, taking the whole page...

jRDC2 client example (using modded jRDC2)

Attached you find an example of accessing a jRDC2 server. This is a conversion of the DBUtils example program (here...


  • jRDCv2_Client_B4J.zip
    9.2 KB · Views: 1,167
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[ABMaterial] Creating a color grid container



Some thoughts are running in my head about implementing this for my color coded events management. So we have 21 colors. So me thinks a 7 row, 3 columns grid will do.


[SERVER] Valid SSL certificate for localhost for your development machine

So I was intrigued that I couldn't have a valid ssl cert for localhost so what I did might be useful to someone:


1. Generate a RSA-2048 key and save it to a file...

Excel Charts and Templates with jPOI library


  • ExcelChart.zip
    10.3 KB · Views: 902

[IoT] - Raspberry Pi CCTV with MQTT

Simple solution that uses an embedded MQTT broker with a MQTT client to send the camera output to any connected client. The camera used is the standard RPi camera module.

The program starts...


  • PiCCTV_B4J.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 951
  • PiCCTV_B4A.zip
    7.7 KB · Views: 858
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Easy upload files with httputils' original poststring to a php script with x parameters

The normal postfile method just posts the file data. So you are not able to get the filename and other needed parameters. There are other examples, but sometimes you need a small solution. The...

[B4X] Modules, Files, Groups and Folders

The latest IDE update adds support for grouping files and modules.



You can add groups with a right click...
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