Problem sending SOAP (POST)


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This SOAP is making my eyes sting! I'm trying to send a command to a television. I saw the results of a packet sniff online and I am trying to duplicate it. I haven't had a chance to use a sniffer on my code but I have seen in other posts that sometimes the HttpRequest changes headers and such and that I may need to use sockets instead. Does anyone have any ideas or sample code on how to achieve this?

I have some variables that I use to set custom headers (Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey1, etc). In my code sample below I am only setting the User-Agent and SOAPACTION headers but I have also tried setting the HOST and Content-Type.

Originally I hadn't rewritten the user-agent and I was getting "connection refused by the host". After adding the user-agent part it I no longer got that error but rather a 400 error (bad request). I'm not sure what else to do at this point as it all looks right to me.

Packet sniff:
POST /nrc/control_0 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Panasonic iOS VR-CP UPnP/2.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
SOAPACTION: "urn:panasonic-com:service:p00NetworkControl:1#X_SendKey"
Content-Length: 331

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle="">
<u:X_SendKey xmlns:u="urn:panasonic-com:service:p00NetworkControl:1">

My code:
Dim QT As String = Chr(34)

' Build SOAP command and send POST

Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey1 = "User-Agent"

Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderVal1 = "Panasonic iOS VR-CP UPnP/2.0"

Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey2 = ""

Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderVal2 = "" 

Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey3 = "SOAPACTION"

Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderVal3 = "urn:panasonic-com:service:p00NetworkControl:1#X_SendKey"

Dim DestURL As String

Dim SoapRequest As String

DestURL = "http://" & Common.AVRIP & ":" & Common.AVRPort & "/nrc/control_0"

SoapRequest = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" & _

"<s:Envelope xmlns:s='' s:encodingStyle=''>" & _

"<s:Body>" & _

"<u:X_SendKey xmlns:u='urn:panasonic-com:service:p00NetworkControl:1'>" & _

"<X_KeyEvent>$COMMAND$</X_KeyEvent>" & _

"</u:X_SendKey>" & _

"</s:Body>" & _


SoapRequest = SoapRequest.Replace ("'", QT) ' Replace ' with real quotes

SoapRequest = SoapRequest.Replace ("$COMMAND$", sCMD) ' Replace $COMMAND$ with the desired command

SendPOST (DestURL,SoapRequest)

' Dim Job1 As HttpJob

' Job1.Initialize ("Job1", Me)

' Job1.PostString (DestURL,SoapRequest)

End Sub

Sub SendPOST (URL As String, PostData As String) ' Used for HTTP execution

If Common.hcIsInitialized = False Then


Common.hcIsInitialized = True

End If

Log (URL)

Log (PostData)

PostBytes(URL, PostData.GetBytes("UTF8"))

End Sub

'Sends a POST request with the given string as the post data

Public Sub PostBytes(Link As String, Data() As Byte)

Dim req As HttpRequest, taskID As Int

req.InitializePost2(Link, Data)

If Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey1 <> "" Then

req.SetHeader (Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey1, Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderVal1)

End If

If Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey2 <> "" Then

req.SetHeader (Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey2, Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderVal2)

End If

If Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey3 <> "" Then

req.SetHeader (Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderKey3, Common.ForPOSTSetHeaderVal3)

End If

req.Timeout = 45000

If taskID = 0 Then taskID = 50

taskID = taskID + 1

If taskID = 89 Then taskID = 50

Common.hc.Execute(req, taskID)

End Sub


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Actually I tried HTTPUtils2 first (it is commented out). When that failed I decided to keep things simple and call a single request.

I also tried setting the content type (though not in the code I posted). When I get home from work I am going to start up Wireshark and see exactly what the app is sending out. Something must be different, I just don't know how to fix it.

I'll report back with my test results but if anyone's got any experience with fixing SOAP problems like this feel free to share your thoughts! :)
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