
  1. K

    Android Question db numeric value

    After inserting numeric value in database and the value is round I have a php code and get value = 152448.52 my b4a code is amt = m.Get("mamt") sql.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO gl " & _ "(fbook,faccode,fdesc,fplace,fitcu,fin1,ftype," & _...
  2. K

    Android Question Label Drawable not work

    Label Drawable = ColorDrawable property not work color of lable not change
  3. D

    Android Question Android FTPServer Error

    Hi, i been using the FTPServer that Erel posted here: And when i'm trying to copy files to the phone the log from B4A keeps returning "client: PASV" until an error shows...
  4. K

    Android Question sqlite query with function

    I have a query "select *,closing as closing(parameter1,parameter2) from temp" how to pass this query i have to used function how to do that?
  5. Spanish Nuevos cambios en Android 8

    He oído que Android 8 trae una serie de cambios que afectan, no solo a las nuevas aplicaciones que desarrollemos, sino a las antiguas. Por ejemplo hay que pedir permiso para emplear algunas de las características de los equipos celulares o tabletas. ¿Alguien sabe donde se puede obtener...
  6. Is Android gonna die?

  7. K

    Android Question Edittext Date format

    I have to validate date format for edittext. Like dont accept wrong date. ex. 50/07/2018 == not accepted or 21/25/2018
  8. K

    Android Question parallel key for "

    I'm trying to insert record in sqlite my code is : tr.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO gl (fdesc) VALUES ('" & desc & "')") fdesc has value = VASANT'S THE SUPER SHOP Log is : android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "S": syntax error (code 1): , while compiling: INSERT INTO gl (fdesc) VALUES...
  9. 365 Web Resources

    Quite interesting find..
  10. K

    Android Question Custome ListView

    Hi everybody. I want to create custom listview with three different fontsize textview in each row. Thanks in Advance.
  11. K

    Android Question Copy DB from asset

    Hi expert I'm trying to copy file from asset folder it shows error /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.temp/files/temp1.db (No such file or directory) while Log(File.Exists(File.DirDefaultExternal,"temp1.db")) shows true my code : If File.ExternalWritable...
  12. K

    Android Question MySql to Sqlite

    Hii Expert I want to make app that download data from mysql and insert it into android db file. Plz give me example or sample code. I am new in B4A
  13. K

    Android Question Public variables

    I want to declared public variables which i can access from any modules. I'm new in B4A. Thanks in advance
  14. T

    Android Question Issue with Google Maps in newer SDK

    Hello, I was trying to follow the instructions in the "Google Maps V2 Tutorial" but I found a problem. The most recent SDK, does not have the "google-play-services.jar" file. I have installed several APIs, from 7 (Android 2.1) to 24 (Android 7). The Google Play Services installed is revision...
  15. Java Question [solved] android.content.Context in B4A ?

    i need help for my android lib i need init my class in b4a with a android.content.Context because GLSurfaceView have this in the constructor. android library part in android studio import android.content.Context; import android.opengl.GLSurfaceView; import android.view.View...
  16. Other [SOLVED] Error with AVD Manager Android 8.1

    Hi Everyone. I am having problems trying to execute Emulator with Android 8.1 Image. I downloaded everything, or at least I think so: This is the message I get when trying to execute 8.1 Emulator: I can execute 8.00 Emulator Image without problems. I also have a problem executing Android...
  17. A

    Android Question App google play uploading issue

    Hi, I created an app which have webview that in it ther is the URL of my website I created with I tried to run my app on my phone with the Apk and it worked, but when I tried to upload it to the google play with the google developer console, and I recived this message: " After review...
  18. Android Question Problem receive push android 7

    Hi...i have a particular problem on devices android with Android 7 version (Samsun s6 and Huawei P10) .I don't receive the push notification. With the same app on other device with android 6, i haven't this problem (Samsun Note 3). There are any type of problem? Thank you?
  19. Share My Creation Using Android Bluetooth Commands to Control a Makeblock Robot

    he Makeblock robot is a low-priced kit that is easily assembled and that works well as designed. The default control sofware is effective but does not work for custom complex control sequences. It is possible to replace the default firmware with one's own through B4R, Arduino IDE, or the mBot...
  20. A

    Android Question How to rediscover services with BLE2 library

    Hi to everybody, I'm developing an android application that communicate with my own hardware board. I'm using the latest version of B4A and BLE2 library. The app have to connect to the board, which is configured with its GATT. Then it sends a reboot command to the board, which restarts with...
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