
  1. M

    Android Question [XUI Views] user_interaction Java event not firing while using B4XInputTemplate

    Hi everyone, my app has a timeout timer that is resetted every time that the user interacts with the application interface. Thanks to this method However I just implemented a B4XDialog with B4XInputTemplate and I noticed that when the keyboard is used in Text Mode the "user_interaction" event...
  2. M

    Android Question [B4X] Update value of an item in CustomListView

    Hi everyone, is it possibile to update the value of an item of a custom list view? because i do not see any method for this, the only way i figured out is to: save the view using .GetPanel save the value using .GetValue update the value replace the item using .ReplaceAt and using the new value...
  3. M

    Android Question [B4X] Cast Map to Custom Type

    Hi everyone I was wondering if it possibile to cast a Map object to a Custom type object that has the same fields. At the moment I'm doing with a function that manually get all the fields from the map. Thanks in advance
  4. M

    iOS Question [B4X] Double column multiple card element sizes like Pinterest

    Hi everyone, what is the best way to achieve this type of list nowadays? I know I could do it by using two CLVs that scrolls together but I'm afraid of glitches (like jerky movements between the two on shitty-smartphone like mine) The features I'm interested in are: Two columns each column...
  5. M

    B4J Question Modern and custom window shape

    Hi everyone, i wish to build a desktop app but with some modern vibes in it. So I imagined it without the ugly windows default window, but more like macos apps. Is it possibile to create an app that has this type of GUI using B4J? no borders, round corners, functioning buttons (close, minimize...
  6. P

    Android Question Problem with #CustomBuildAction 3

    I may be wrong (in which case, my apologies) but I don't think this line in the Project Attributes section is working #CustomBuildAction: 3,"C:\Users\PJL\B4A\Version.bat","" There is no indication in the Compile:Build box that a custom action is being run before the APK is signed and the work...
  7. epiCode

    B4A Library [B4A] FlowMenu - Sleek Animated Menu

    FlowMenu Gives a sleek modern animated look to your Menu/Tab. Can be used as Menu / Tabs / Pager / Cards or Simple Info Display. Swipe up, down, left, right to expand or move back and forth between info panels. All panels are exposed and can support any custom layout, custom color or...
  8. S

    Italian Registratore Telematico (XON-XOFF) Fattura e Scontrino elettronico

    Per non occupare il thread di @giannimaione dove è iniziato il discorso del protocollo dei misuratori fiscali , proseguo qua la conversazione. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ nel link che ho...
  9. M

    iOS Question Custom Fonts Problem

    Hi everyone. I'm trying to use these fonts (attached), i put this in "#Region Project Attributes" #AppFont: futuralt-bold.ttf #AppFont: futuralt-book.ttf #AppFont: futuralt-bookoblique.ttf i put the .ttf in the Special folder, and did like so: lblTitleLastOps.Font =...
  10. Mohsen Torabi

    B4A Library MaatisaLibs - Collection of Themes & Tools

    Hi to all. First of all, My English is bad so i am sorry. I am using B4A for long time, and I am thankful to B4X community and Erel, Because it changes my programming life. This is my first semi-pro;) library, So i hope it will be useful for you. This lib contains 4 Classes and one manifest...
  11. Sagenut

    Android Question Add CustomView by code Multiple times

    This question refer to this discussion: In the linked discussion has been given the solution how to add a CustomView by code: making a dedicated layout with the CustomView and loading the...
  12. M

    Android Question Double Column CustomListView

    hi everyone it's possibile to have a double column customlistview to achieve this kind of result? I've to do this also in B4i Thanks!
  13. M

    iOS Question Custom Items in NavigationBar

    Hi everyone, I wish to do an nicer app by using some custom UI elements. It's possibile to achieve this type of result? (specifically che horizontal list in the navigation bar) Thanks in advance :D
  14. M

    B4i Library [class] Foreground Notifications

    Hi, for my personal need, i had to write a small class in order receive notification when the app is showing (foreground). Maybe it can be useful to someone. You can set: Custom Text Color Custom Background Color The showing time An icon Vibrate (import the library "iPhone")
  15. M

    iOS Question Fire an event from a class

    Hi, where can I find some documentation/tutorial on #event in B4i class? I want to add a custom event in a code module, fired by my class. thanks
  16. M

    iOS Code Snippet Horizontal Panel Scroller (like TabView in B4A) with PageIndicator

    Hi everyone, i want to share with you this example project, that is a slightly modified version of this one. Maybe can be useful to someone else. It's adapted to be an horizontal panel scroller, that correctly center the loaded layout in the panels.
  17. M

    iOS Question Navbar like Whatsapp

    Hi! I'm trying to understand the various part that make up the navigation between pages in B4i, and the various options. How can I have a nav bar like this: With custom icon and Text (and eventually the notification dot). It's a acutal navbar, or a panel with button inside? (i ask this...
  18. M

    Android Question RandomAccessFile - ReadB4XObject ERROR

    Hi everyone, i'm trying to understand how to use the RandomAccessFile Library, beacuse i need to store custom Types of data. I'm always getting an error while reading, i'm confused. The test code: Sub Globals 'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created...
  19. Multiverse app

    Android Tutorial Creating custom Text Selection actions with ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT

    Android 6.0 Marshmallow introduced a new floating text selection toolbar, which brings the standard text selection actions, like cut, copy, and pastes, closer to the text you’ve selected. Even better though is the new ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT which makes it possible for any app to add custom actions...
  20. K

    Android Question error with customlistview

    java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 1176092 bytes I got this is error on customlistview add and there are only 515 records to load Error log :: java.lang.RuntimeException: android.os.TransactionTooLargeException: data parcel size 1176092 bytes...