
  1. warhound96

    Android Question Leapdroid problem

    Hello guys! I'm new to this community and eager to learn a lot about B4A but i just stumbled on my first problem and specifically with Leapdroid and it seems i can't find a solution on the Web. I installed and reinstalled like a couple times the emulator and it kept popping the same message to...
  2. Simon9410 | Cuba

    Android Question B4Xpage Key back Press

    Hello, I would like to know how I can intersect the key_back_press event and make decisions depending on the page where it is, currently I have a CLV with users and when clicking on an element in the list it opens another page with the user's data, when doing back It takes me to the list, but...
  3. CorryWestSide

    Android Question bluetooth, Service and Characteristic problem

    The company told me this word: A Characteristic is used to write the system and you have to send the START there START (0x05,0x06,0x40,0x00,0x08,0x01,0x5B,0x95) WRITE, WRITE_NO_RESPONS UUID 00005302-0000-0041-4c50-574953450000 ----------------------------------------------------------- the...
  4. CorryWestSide

    Android Question Module bluetooth problem

    i have this kind of problem with a bluetooth module: Start with this i wirte this Log: Connected, servizi: (ArrayList) [00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, 00005301-0000-0041-4c50-574953450000] DONE The service that i want is only Servizio id...
  5. F

    Android Question Get MODBUS Directions and see the registers

    Hey guys, I'm looking for some help with this program, basically what im trying to do is access to every Range given from a PLC Allen-Bradley. I already connected through my B4A application but when i tried to get the Register, it returns the register 1 but actually is the register number 404097...
  6. mohsenmirakhori635@gmail.

    Error when installing sdk

    Hello, I have the following problem when installing SDK: B4A SDK Manager: 4.10 TempFolder = C:\Users\Mohsen\AppData\Roaming\ANYWHE~1\BASIC4~1\temp DataFolder: C:\Users\Mohsen\AppData\Roaming\B4ASdkManager SDK version: 6609375 Downloading:
  7. C

    Android Question How to create a button that can input text in an edittext

    Hello people of the world I was just curious if there is a way to make a button that can input a text on a selected edittext? like if I have a set of buttons which are numbered from 0-9 and there are multiple edittext. Is there a way to select an edittext and by pressing the button the number...
  8. R

    Android Question status?

    All technical help posted to is not accesible, since for many days already that site is down. Can that content be moved here?
  9. A

    Bug? Solved: Issue with help while hovering in specific subs...

    Hi. In some subs I use as return a type (structure). Sub Process_Globals ... Type PlayedChoice(row As Int, column As Int) ... End Sub 'Function description... 'Examples: ... Private Sub test3 As PlayedChoice Dim a As PlayedChoice a.Initialize a.row = 0 a.column = 0...
  10. Guenter Becker

    Android Example Help Management for Application

    Hello hope your'e well. Apps are getting more and more complicate and to work with the user needs a manual. This examples shows how you can add an help dialog to your B4XPages Project. The help information is taken from a pdf file. The help index is created from the app. If you do not like to...
  11. N

    Android Question Google Analytics Error assistance

    I have the following error from Google analytics and I am not able to duplicate it on my test devices. I know where in my code is calling the GetGoogleDirections but I do not know where the...
  12. shadowdevfr

    Android Question Maven artifact not found even if it's installed through the sdk manager

    Hi! I've been using b4a for a while, but this is my first forum post. This time i'll assume I'm pretty much stuck. I'm integrating admob to my app. I added everything into the manifest, but still, an error is appearing on compiling and refreshing libraries. "Maven artifact not found...
  13. P

    Android Question b4xpages questions

    Hey there, B4X pages seems very nice, so I wanted to try it. I downloaded the ThreePagesExample but didn't understand it. So here are my questions, hopefully someone could help me :) 1. You know the layouts? Like Example.bal for b4a? How do I transfer the ui from b4a layout to b4j and/or b4i...
  14. DarkWolfalpha

    Android Question Very easy question

    Hi guys😍 I want to open a button in another activity. Help me please...😭 Please send me the code😭 I need this code very soon...🥵
  15. M

    B4J Question Cannot create .exe with Launch4j

    Hi, I'm trying to create an executable file for my application, but when I compile it with Launch4j it gives the following error: Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application Anyone knows how to fix it? I'm pretty sure I have JavaFX in my java folder.
  16. M

    B4J Question ByteConverter library??

    Hello, I wanted to try out the RemoteControl example, but when I opened it, it shows this error, although I have imported the byteconverter library. I've also specifiedand put te library in the Additional libs folder.
  17. M

    Android Question Blank/activity not starting

    Hi, I'm testing my app with B4A-Bridge but when it compiles it stays still and doesn't show views like buttons, labels, etc. Please look at my screenshot and help me. P.s I have loaded my activity.
  18. P

    Spanish GPS Example

    Hola chicos, soy nuevo en b4a y haciedo los ejemplos basicos que hay aqui al hacer el demo GPS lo compilo y ejecuto correctamente en dos Samsung Galaxy(S6 y A5) pero no me muestra informacion en Lat:, Lon:, Speed:, pero en satellites...
  19. NFOBoy

    Getting back into app development, and this %#$! is real, and I need help.

    Alright, This will be a long post with some questions on how to proceed, such that I can get myself up to speed to develop A/I/J applications. It has been a while since I have developed applications, and even longer since I used B4A for development. My current concern is making progress...
  20. F

    B4J Question [B4x] How do you simply access B4x keywords definitions ?

    Hi, how Anywhere Software intended to show the documentation page for a specific keyword (except for searching with google or so) ? Example : keyword "List" Problem : As a new user I didn't knew it is defined under "Collection" Expected answer ...