
  1. Share My Creation CryptoStream - live and streaming rates for bitcoin and Cryptocurrecies

    Hi Friends Pls check my first google play store app for bitcoin and cryptocurrency streaming rates. I have used exchanges rest APIs and JSON parser to create this app. Download Live Streaming Crypto App at Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cryptostream.atulk
  2. G

    Android Question I would like to show a information from a string in format json

    quiero mostrar la informacion que obtengo de un web servis en formato json , para que el usuario pueda seleccionar un campo de ese resultado, Qué Etiqueta puedo usar?,como convertir esa cadena de caracteres que estan en formato json a otro tipo de dato mas manipulable.
  3. A

    Android Question Get item in string

    Hello, Can someone please send an example of how to get item from string with items? (I am using json with OkHttpUtils2) The string setting is : Dim name As List = root.Get("name") For Each colname As String In name Next (how to get for example item number 3 that equals to...
  4. A

    Android Question [solved] Json file password

    Hello, I tried to use OkHttpUtils2 with json, the file adress have a key/password to get to the data. I used j.password = but The Log result is: "ResponseError. Reason: Unauthorized, Response: {"message":"Need to provide a secret-key to READ private bins","success":false}" Sub...
  5. B4R Question How to support escape characters

    I want to use Json, and I need to add "in the string. How to use escape characters, just like C/C++ with \".
  6. K

    Android Question http getstring in autocomplete setitems

    I got http.getstring == [{"place_return":",'','a place','b place','c place'"}] like this and i have to insert it into autocomplete.setitem() I tried like this :: Dim p As JSONParser p.Initialize(Job.GetString) Dim list1 As List list1 =...
  7. Spanish Parseador Json.

    Hola a todos. ¿Alguien sabe como desarrollar un Parser en B4a (parseador/analizador gramatical) para Json en B4a? A pesar de todos mis esfuerzos, json siempre me da muchos quebraderos de cabeza. Pero encontré hace un tiempo esta página http://www.b4x.com:51042/json/index.html la cual permite...
  8. Italian Consigli su stringhe JSON

    Ciao a tutti, Volevo avere un parere da voi riguardo alla gestione delle stringhe JSON. Se all'interno di un progetto dovessi implementare una comunicazione tra la mia applicazione e un web service mediante le stringhe JSON, quale sarebbe il vostro approccio? Ovvero: creereste una serie di...
  9. Android Question JSON & Maps

    JSON generator / parser seems to convert maps' keys to string: Dim mapSource As Map mapSource.Initialize Dim i As Int For i = 1 To 3 mapSource.Put(i,i) Next Dim jg As JSONGenerator jg.Initialize(mapSource) Dim sJSON As String = jg.ToString Dim...
  10. A

    Android Question Problem with Api rest, Json, Put.

    Hello, I have a problem I need to send a json with the put method to an api. The json is: { "person" : { "User" : "Rodrigo", "Pass" : "xx123" }, "answers" : [ { "NmbItem" : "Item 1", "DscItem" : "Descripción del item 1", "QtyItem"...
  11. Android Question Json prase error [java.lang.RuntimeException: JSON Array expected.] SOLVED

    Hello guys i have a very simple Json {"_status":"ERROR","_message":"Invalid authentication information"} as you can see its pretty plain I've tried parsing using Dim parser As JSONParser parser.Initialize(JsonString) Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject Dim _message As String =...
  12. iOS Question Change in JSON handling of null value in v5?

    Has there been a tweak in how JSON - particularly null values - are handled? In the API that my iOS project talks to, a field may be blank, or not present; in the returned data from the server, it's usually present, but may have the value set to null, (not quoted) in the JSON, rather than an...
  13. B4J Question [solved] problem with array data in json

    maybe is someone more firm in json parsing i have this json and need iterate this array(list) "List_Packages" and the data there "Pos_A_mm" and below "X","Y","Z" my attempt Dim J As JSONParser J.Initialize(JSON) Dim Map1 As Map Map1 = J.NextObject Dim...
  14. Android Question [Solved] Post JSON to MS Web API

    [solved] Hello, i have a client app at phone (b4a) and a web server with iis and a vs studio 2017 web api project. i will post data as json to server (i used okhttputils2) and the server should deserialize the data into a object/class. but i facing the problem that nothing is deserialized and...
  15. Android Tutorial [B4x]Data exchange (B4x, php, servers, .net and others)

    After some years I have developed several apps to communicate with other apps, servers and platforms. My goal was to have ONE standard solution without additional propriatary solutions which work only on platform a but not on b. So I've ended up with lists and maps converted from/to JSON...
  16. Android Question Mysql android connection

    I can write in vb.net and b4a and have a vb.net app which creates a Mysql hosted online. I want to be able to read that Mysql and get records from vb but NOT from b4a. I want to read the mysql from my ANDROID app I have asked an indian developers to write a class so i can attach to my Android...
  17. Android Question json file with geo-coordinates

    Hi Everyone, Do you know of a web site that has a json file I can download that contains the following? For now I'm looking to get the data for cities in the US. I will add other countries later if the web resource has multiple countries. City Name or postcode Lat latitude in degrees Lon...
  18. R

    Android Question extract data from json and update label text in widget

    Hello, I would be great-full and happy if someone could help me out over here. I have searched a lot in the forums and tried multiple pieces of code but unfortunately I have issues. I want to make a widget. I get the data from a web server in Json format. I am able to get it successfully and...
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