
  1. Duque

    Spanish SSL en español

    ¡Hola! Con vergüenza de desnudar mi ignorancia, pero llevo días atrapado en este tema: Contexto -Contrate un servidor dedicado ✅ -Ejecute sin problemas un servidor b4j✅ -Conexión http ✅ -Conexion https? La Conexion segura falla, a pesar de que existe un...
  2. M

    iOS Question Cannot compile anymore with Local Build Server

    Hi everyone, today I was going to update an iOS app, and big surprise... nothing compiles anymore. My Specs: Xcode 15.4 iOS 17.5 Platform B4i Build Server 8.5 B4i 8.51 MacOS Sonoma 14.5 I had to set #MinVersion to 12 (otherwise it says the range must be 12 - 17.5 and does not compile) in my...
  3. jroriz

    Android Question [SOLVED] Creating a Server for HTML/JS Application Using B4A

    I created a page using an html/js framework ( I will create an application from the html page. It turns out that the framework expects a server serving the page, as it uses relative paths, otherwise it won't work. To create the server I will use a third-party app...
  4. walterf25

    B4J Question MQTT Delay Time

    Hi Everyone, I am working on a project where I have a raspberry pi 4B where I have a b4j app running which communicates with a 32 channel Analog to Digital Converter we designed and built at work, the communication is via I2C protocol, this part works very well as far as I have been able to...
  5. carlos7000

    Spanish Como enviar datos a una App en un Android Tv?

    Hola Quiero compartir contenido, como textos, imágenes, videos, entre otros, con otro dispositivo, en este caso, un televisor con sistema operativo Android. Para comenzar, me gustaría empezar con algo simple, como el envío de un texto. Esta tarea la realizaré en una aplicación que se ejecutará...
  6. M.LAZ

    B4J Question jRDC2 Testing ip address

    Hi,, i'm trying testing jRDC2 on my local browser and my Dedicated Server : when put in local browser or Server browser : http://localhost:51029/test result is this is Your ip : [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] result is this is Your ip : in...
  7. a.consorti

    B4J Question wait for and api response

    Hi guys! How are you, I state that I'm new to B4J and, despite my many attempts and various readings, I can't do something that should be simple. In practice I have created a web portal in B4J and I manage the various pages through the handlers. So far, so good. The problem arises when I...
  8. aeric

    B4J Code Snippet [Project Template] jRDC2 Server (SQLite, MySQL, MS SQL, Firebird, Postgresql, DBF)

    Updates jRDC2 Server v2 is available jRDC2 Server Template Version: 1.12 (based on jRDC2 version 2.23) Create a new project and run it! To be accompanied with jRDC2 Client Template Introduction: To be edited Version 1.00 : 9KB Version 1.11 : 127KB Version 1.12 : 127KB Version 2.00...
  9. Lakhtin_V

    Android Tutorial LM WiFi example of using this library

    Hi! I'm trying to find an example using this library. I liked the functionality of this library, but how to put it into practice? I want to use Wifi direct to send requests to the head unit (server).
  10. red30

    Android Question Transferring data to the server

    I have a GMS module which can work with MQTT and Web Service. I need to get data from it and store it somewhere. As I understood from the forum, I cannot run my own MQTT server. So I settled on Web Service. I imagine it like this: on an Android or Windows device, I run a server that I can access...
  11. aeric

    Share My Creation Print Server (USB Thermal Receipt) running on Raspberry Pi

    This is a demo video of B4J Print Server which is a REST API Web Server. The server can run on Windows and Linux including on a Raspberry Pi OS. I have also created B4J, B4A and B4i Client app to send request to the server through GET and POST. The print data can contain ESC/POS string sent...
  12. aeric

    B4J Code Snippet [web]JSON Web Token (auth0/java-jwt)

    You can use this class to generate JSON Web Token (JWT) for use in Web API B4J Server. This code is using JavaObject from Java JWT github project ( by Auth0. I only add support for HMAC algorithms. If you want, you can modify this code to support RSA and ECDSA...
  13. H

    Bug? [BANano] Server cannot compile

    Does anyone know some workaround? Compiler error: src\b4j\example\ error: no suitable constructor found for FilterHolder(Class<CAP#1>) FilterHolder fh = new FilterHolder((Class<? extends Filter>) Class.forName("org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.CrossOriginFilter"))...
  14. Dave O

    B4J Question (solved) B4J cloudKVS server on VPS - can upload data, can't download/refresh data

    Hi all, Using cloudKVS in a test app to sync data from 2 Android devices to the cloudKVS server (vanilla B4J app listening on port 51042). Works fine when the server is my laptop, and the Androids are on the same Wifi network. But when the server is on my VPS (Ubuntu with JRE installed...
  15. Mashiane

    [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Server Side Rendering (Almost)

    Hi there Yesterday I got meself thinking, what if I could ensure SSR (Server Side Rendering) be possible in the BVAD3 apps.? Server-side rendering (SSR) is an application’s ability to convert HTML files on the server into a fully rendered HTML page for the client. The web browser submits a...
  16. bdunkleysmith

    B4J Question [SOLVED] Connect RPi to WiFi via code

    With it clear that an Arduino would not support my project and the recommendation that I should upgrade to a RPI covered in the thread rMQTT HostName with query parameters and despite my previous less than satisfactory experience with RPi projects, I'm pleasantly surprised with progress, however...
  17. B

    German Daten an SQL Server

    Hallo, ich habe eine App geschrieben, welche einwandfrei funktioniert und Daten über Bluetooth empfängt und diese in eine SQL Datenbank mithilfe der SQL Bibliothek schreibt. Dies funktioniert alles super. Nun wäre es super, wenn parallel dazu alle Werte, welche in die lokale SQL Datenbank...
  18. red30

    Android Question Problems with transferring a large number of photos to the server.

    I implemented it like this: Sub Post (Vin As String) Dim templist As List templist=File.ListFiles(File.DirInternal&Vin) Dim testerr="" As String Dim re=False As Boolean For i=0 To templist.Size-1 Sleep(50) Dim s=templist.Get(i) As String If...
  19. D

    B4J Question Error on request inside a server Handler (java.lang.InterruptedException)

    Hello! I'm gettin this error but i have no clue of what's happening because it works good for days before happen. I suspect that is caused by a request that I make inside a handler but I'm not sure. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.InterruptedException at...
  20. aeric

    Share My Creation [Project Template] Web API Server v1

    Updates Web API Server v2 is available Version: 1.16 Description: Create Web API Server with CRUD functionalities Sample application: [B4X] Todo List based on Web API Template: Web API Server (1.16).b4xtemplate Depends on following libraries: ByteConverter JavaObject jServer Json...