
  1. Gunther

    Games [XUI2D] [solved] AsyncDrawTasks and BCPath

    Hi, we can add a async drawing task with adding a path and than adding the final path as clone to the task list with: myPath.Initialize(p1.X, p1.Y) myPath.LineTo(p2.X,p2.Y).LineTo(p3.X,p3.Y).LineTo(p1.X, p1.Y) GS.DrawingTasks.Add(X2.MainBC.AsyncDrawPath(myPath.Clone, BrushLineColor, True...
  2. eps

    Android Question [SOLVED] Webview, HTML5, Babylon.js and Javascript sdk CORS issue...

    I've finally put together some code for a game, it all seems to work 'okay' but... I had the manifest set to <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="6" android:targetSdkVersion="14"/> This works. I then set the min and target SDK versions to 26 and it doesn't work... Well it does work but it can't...
  3. chevita87

    Android Question Load spinner data

    Hello everyone, I am quite new in all this programming, I have very basic knowledge. I am trying to make an application that has 3 layout in a main, everything works perfect, except when I want to fill the spinner with data, if I fill the spinner with data the application stops working, if I...
  4. S

    Android Question byteconverter library error

    hi, i need use byteconverter library in my b4j code. byteconverter librar version 1.10 mycode is : Dim Bytes(0) As Byte Dim str As String str = ints LogDebug ( "i2b out") bc.LittleEndian = False Bytes = bc.StringToBytes(str, "UTF-8") LogDebug(Bytes) building error is...
  5. JOTHA

    Android Question Error: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0

    Hi experts, I have an app which worked fine, but since I've installed the upgrade B4A Version 8.30, there is an error-message when I click on an EditTextView (after that the app closes): On an Android Device with Android-Version 4.0.4 there are no error-messages, the app works well, but on...
  6. bjfhs

    Android Question How can I get the value from Json string?

    I want to get the value "smoke":16 the Json String { "deviceId":"1b18c2bc-9f52-4f54-b52c-67c91551758c", "gatewayId":"1b18c2bc-9f52-4f54-b52c-67c91551758c", "nodeType":"GATEWAY", "createTime":"20180607T031240Z", "lastModifiedTime":"20180706T092418Z", }, "services":[{...
  7. R

    Android Question Regexreplace linefeed problem

    I have a text and I would like to remove linefeeds if this is between two words. The code is simple: res = RegexReplace("([a-z|ő|ú|ö|ü|ó|é|á|ű|í]])\s*[\n|\r\n]\s*([a-z|ő|ú|ö|ü|ó|é|á|ű|í])", res, "\1 \2") This regex expression works on B4J - Regex Example with Web Socket (and here too...
  8. S

    Android Question MLScan listSavedNetworks problem <SOLVED>

    Hi I am trying to run this code snippet to get a list of saved wifis: Sub Activity_Resume Log("Activity_Resume called") Dim myAPlist As List myAPlist.Initialize myAPlist = myScan.listSavedNetworks Log(myAPlist) End Sub but I am getting the error Process_Globals called ***...