Hi guys I'm new to this and I recently purchase B4i after reading many blogs about creating applications for iOS, I want to create a tv app to display my tv station nothing fancy just open with my station logo show the tv content... Play AND EXIT is there a step-by-step guide on how to create...
A wrap of Apache Velocity Engine library for B4A and B4J
What is Velocity?
Velocity is a Java-based template engine. It permits anyone to use a simple yet powerful template language to reference objects defined in Java code.
Source: https://velocity.apache.org/
Download additional libraries...
Version: 1.00
Description: JRDC Client Template to be used with jRDC2 Server Template.
GitHub: https://github.com/pyhoon/jrdc2-client-template-b4x
. . . .
Note: The designs are similar to Web API Client but the code are different.
How to use:
1. Create a new project from B4A, B4i or B4J
jRDC2 Server v2 is available
jRDC2 Server Template
Version: 1.12 (based on jRDC2 version 2.23)
Create a new project and run it!
To be accompanied with jRDC2 Client Template
To be edited
Version 1.00 : 9KB
Version 1.11 : 127KB
Version 1.12 : 127KB
Version 2.00...
A simple tool to create XML+JAR files for Class Template
Thanks to @Star-Dust for zip class : https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/sd-ziplibrary.90733/
Enter Author and Version
Add class files...
Ciao a tutti
ho realizzato un sito web utilizzando uno dei molti "free template" disponibili su internet.
Adesso vorrei realizzare l'APP Android, riutilizzando lo stesso template (stessi pulsanti, stesse form, stessi messaggi di errore, ....)
Come si dovrebbe procedere?
Vi ringrazio
I would like to code a web server application that supports multiple users, utilizes input forms, generates reports, uploads and downloads large files, and a lot of other various standard business functionality. Some of the functionality would be available to a browser client and some would...
Web API Server v2 is available
Version: 1.16
Description: Create Web API Server with CRUD functionalities
Sample application: [B4X] Todo List based on Web API
Web API Server (1.16).b4xtemplate
Depends on following libraries:
The template is just also like the scrollview, enabling one to create elements..
In this image we depict how we have created a container and then added templates on the row. One might use this for displaying data or emphasing something etc.
Sub Init(pgContainer As String)...
First of all, cheers to Filippo who created a template manager last week. I was going to offer Filippo a few suggestions in his thread about his program, but then I decided to create my own on Sunday. B4X Template Manage (B4X TM) is no better or worse than Filippo's, it's just a different take...
I have been searching in the forum but it looks that no one still asked for this.
What about the idea of adding even some Tablets Templates to the AVD Manager?
7, 8 and 10 Inches.
Or maybe just 8 and 10 Inches.
Could it be a good idea to open a Poll on this request?
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