
  1. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] UOEGridTable IconRenderer

    Ola This tut is based on the BANano based library here. The ICONRENDERER is a column render to ensure that icons in your rows are rendered. These can be material and fontawesome icons. To be able for the IconRenderer to work perfectly, the data attributed per row for 1. icon 2. iconcolor...
  2. Mashiane

    B4J Library [BANano] UOEGridTable Conditional Value Display Formatting

    Ola This tut is based on this BANano Lib here, [BANano] UOEGridTable What we will attempt here is to show all negative value in red and perhaps those non negative green. The magic of this is an event definition that has been added to the UOEGridTable. #Event: ColumnRenderer(value As Object...
  3. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] Creating Connected Grid Tables with UOEGridTable

    Hi there This tutorial about the UOEGridTable is based on the BANano based lib, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/banano-uoegridtable-an-interesting-grid-that-you-might-like.105225/ Connected tables are two or more tables that have a relationship. One selects a record in one table and...
  4. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] Creating Master Details Grid with UOEGridTable

    Ola This tutorial is based on this BANano based lib, https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/banano-uoegridtable-an-interesting-grid-that-you-might-like.105225/ The purpose here is when one needs to show Master Detail relationship between two or more related data sets. Above we have...