
  1. P

    Android Question Very poor webview performance

    Hi I'm loading a local html in a webview, but the webview is extremely slow. I tried adding hardware accelerating to manifest, and everything else found in forum. But none of them worked. I uploaded my project. if that helps. Also there's only a webview in my activity. nothing else This is...
  2. Martin Larsen

    iOS Question Webview: User agent and cookies

    Getting and setting the user agent In B4A I can set get and the user agent using using Reflector: Dim r As Reflector r.Target = webview r.Target = r.RunMethod("getSettings") ' Get user agent userAgent = r.RunMethod("getUserAgentString") ' Set user agent r.RunMethod2("setUserAgentString"...
  3. H

    B4J Question Sleep and WaitFor With Webview

    i want use "WaitFor" without stopping WebView. When i use "WaitFor" my WebView flashplayer and movable objects(Animations/Gif's) goes pausing. I do not want "WaitFor" to interfere in WebView's work.
  4. M

    iOS Question Make the status bar invisible AND the bottom bar (on iphoneX +)

    Hi everyone, it's possible to make the status bar transparent (in the screenshot is the white space at the top), anche make transparent the bottom part? This layout is simply a web view with a GIF, in the designer the Webview is set to cover all the area. This represent the splashsceen. Thanks!
  5. james_sgp

    iOS Question Webview not showing local image

    Im using Webview to display a large image (so can be zoomed and panned). It works perfectly on the Simulator and on development iPhone, but my testers (using Testflight) are not seeing the image and there is no error message. Can someone advice.. Thanks, James
  6. bernardR

    Android Question Bug in webview with contenteditable element

    Hello, I am stuck in the use of a contenteditable element of an html page by a bug that I can't get around. I isolated it in the very small program attached. Start the program 1. Place the cursor in the word A1B2CD3E4F5G6HIJKLM before G (a letter, not a number) 2. Type the sequence of the 3...
  7. F

    iOS Question FirebaseAuth with WebView

    I'm trying to login to my application with Facebook using FirebaseAuth, however when I call facebook.SignIn, it doesn't trigger the Auth_SignedIn (User As FirebaseUser) event after I accept to sign in with Facebook and Continue. Any idea how I could do that? thanks. Call format not using...
  8. Martin Larsen

    Android Question WebView with Upload File crashes

    I am trying to implement file upload for a webview. As soon as I insert these entries in the manifest, the app crashes immediately upon start. I have not implemented any of the B4A and Java code from the example, and the activity with the webview is not even started...
  9. DALB

    Android Question in webview no pictures appear

    Hello everyone, in a little app, i try to put a web page by this way, using a webview object in the designer which name is wv1. with an editor, I build a page I save as 'index.html'. This page has text and pictures. When I import in the index.html in b4a, the pictures are in a folder 'images'...
  10. Martin Larsen

    Android Question Virtual Keyboard hides input fields in webview

    I have a problem with the soft keyboard hiding input fields in webviews. I have tried the solution in this post but it works "too well" so to speak. It always pushes the webview up, thus hiding fields in the top that would not normally be covered by the keyboard. I have attached an example...
  11. Marcos Alves

    Android Question GPS and WebView

    Hello all, I'm trying to use a webview that access a site which requires the location, but besides I requested and allowed PERMISSION_ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION in the app I'm still getting the message about gps authorization required inside the webview - there is no any pop up to request that...
  12. D

    Android Question Intercepting Page Change on Webview

    I need to redirect certain App Websites to the main phone browser as webview is incomplete. This would typically be sites like Facebook.com. These App Websites would be accessed by the user clicking on a link, such as Facebook Share link. The code below is intended to intercept these clicks...
  13. T

    Android Question Android Webview Show URL Error

    ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error when using webview to display the webpage, but there is no problem using the built-in Chrome
  14. bdunkleysmith

    B4J Question [Solved] WebView error with B4JPackager11

    I'm trying to make the leap from Java 8 or OpenJDK 11, but I am experiencing an error which I've been unable overcome. I use the KeyListener from the jGameViewHelper library to launch a ModalForm to display the application's help in a WebView. After packaging it using B4JPackager11 and...
  15. D

    iOS Question WKWebView in IOS13 stopped working

    My app has stopped working since ios 13.3 upgrade. It is now failing to display the page in Webview. This is my code :- Dim xui As XUI File.Copy(File.DirAssets, la(Index,0) & ".pdf", File.DirDocuments, "page.pdf") WKWebView1.LoadUrl(xui.FileUri(File.DirDocuments, "page.pdf"))...
  16. I

    HTTPS POST and WebView (B4i)

    Hi All I am looking for someone to provide the equivalent B4I code as described in https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/webview-post-and-cookies.112327/#post-700842 if you are interested, please PM and let me know how much will you charge for it Thanks iCAB
  17. I

    iOS Question WebView Post and cookies

    Hi All, Can someone help provide the equivalent B4I code to the one below Private Sub InvokeLoginURL(UrlToInvoke As String, UserName As String, Password As String ) If WebView1.IsInitialized = False Then WebView1.Initialize("WebView1") Activity.AddView(WebView1, 0, 0%y...
  18. chris_selkis

    Android Question to read html with okhttputils 2 - character encoding

    Hello, sorry for my bad English. I'm using OkHttputils2 to download a text file and read it. this file contains html code. I display this code in a webview. it works well except for the characters "éèà% .." is there a library to read this encoding correctly? or how can I do it. thank you
  19. I

    B4J Question Webview Cookies

    I'm trying to use a webview in a B4J application but it only appears to be saving the cookies into memory which is a default setting going by the Java documentation rather than a file so my web application doesn't stay logged in as the cookie is lost when it closes. I've put the following code...
  20. I

    Android Question (Solved)WebView Post

    Hi Guys I am looking for an example that shows how to invoke a login page in webview. The page requires POST and passing the user name and password in json format. Thanks in advance iCAB