iOS Question Make the status bar invisible AND the bottom bar (on iphoneX +)


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Hi everyone, it's possible to make the status bar transparent (in the screenshot is the white space at the top), anche make transparent the bottom part?
This layout is simply a web view with a GIF, in the designer the Webview is set to cover all the area.
This represent the splashsceen.



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Semen Matusovskiy

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There is no separate status bar window in IOS 13 and this seriously restricts a possibility to control status bar appearance.
Meanwhile Apple added callback functions prefersStatusBarHidden and preferredStatusBarStyle in IOS 7 and they are valid up to now.
These functions allow to show / hide status bar and to specify text color (black / white).

Somehow I posted a sample, which demonstrates different combinations (dark/light status bar without navigation bar; navigation bar without status bar; no status bar and navigation bar) .


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