
  1. T

    iOS Question How do I upload a PDF file from storage/iCloud/iBooks?

    Is it possible to add an option to select a storage / iCloud / iBooks PDF file? And so keeping the options shown in the image.
  2. F

    Android Question WebView - Html FilePicker doesn't work

    Hi, I've been trying to upload a file from a webview but when I click on "Choose file" nothing happens. I've searched on the Internet and it seems like I should override the method "openFileChooser" but I'm not sure how to (or if I can) do that on B4A...
  3. T

    iOS Question How do I download a PDF file from Webview?

    I followed this thread https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/how-to-go-back-in-webview-and-how-to-download-pdf-file.66546/ And my code is: Sub WebView1_OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean If Url.EndsWith(".pdf") Then Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("pdf", Me)...
  4. iOS Question WebView in iOS....

    I've developed a few small Apps in B4A, but I'm conscious that I need to place them on iOS as well... I'm working towards a game, with HTML5, Javascript and using Babylon.js Has anyone converted a WebView from B4A? If so can they let me know if they have been able to successfully convert the...
  5. Q

    Android Question Problem with Webview Button Click (WebViewExtras)

    hello, I am currently playing with webviews, but fail to click a button. It is a simple html and php file, both limited to the most necessary, with an input field and a submit button. I can write into the field using webviewextras, but the button is not triggered. can someone possibly tell me...
  6. Android Question Issue with WebView and Pages from Node-RED

    it seems that webview can not display pages from Node-RED server (v0.19.4). https://nodered.org/ it looks ok in chrome browser but at webview it is just white. example page in chrome browser:
  7. R

    Android Question Upload in webView (WORK)!

    Hi all, I found a way (in a somewhat accidental) to run the file upload in a WebView. I have used WebViewExtras and WebViewExtras2, but in the .b4a project file I have declared FIRST WebViewExtras2 and THEN WebViewExtras . When, the code are whis: Sub Globals 'These global variables will...
  8. iOS Question Webview refresh with a timer

    Hello I have a webview that i give a refresh every 10 seconds When a user is on that page and it is scrolling down all work well But when the timer activates the page will reload but starts at the top of the page how can i set it that when a page reload the page stay on his position? Or is...
  9. J

    Android Question WebView LoadUrl Trying To Download

    Hi. I'm creating an app that connects to a main device and duplicate what the main device is doing (mirroring). I took the MJPEG_CCTV project and modified to send screenshots. In Windows via web browser when I connecto to the URL works perfectly. But when I use WebView is doing nothing. I...
  10. Android Question PayPal Credit card payment option not showing on Webview

    Hi All, I'm following this thread https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4i-and-paypal.90096/ And i don't know why in a single Webview i'm not able to visualize the credit card payment option: I have tried the same html code in different browsers on computer(explorer and chrome so far)...
  11. Android Question greek characters from sqlite not shown in webview

    Hello, I like to display greek words from an sqlite DB in a webview, using <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> in the head. But that seems to change nothing. Most characters are shown, but some are just left out, especially those with a tilde and accent as \...
  12. K

    Android Question WebviewExtras2 AddJavascriptInterface Not working

    Hello every one. in the folloowing code I use WebviewExtras2.AddJavascriptInterface to call a sub from B4a . but it never works , and I cant figure out the problem with this code and why the 'MyFunction' never gets reached Also I'm not sure about the first parameter to the...
  13. R

    Android Question resizing web page to webview

    I am trying to display a webpage in a webview. webview1.loadurl("http://www.yahoo.com") When the page loads, it extends beyond the right edge of the webview. Is there a way to get the webpage to render resized to the dimensions of the webview object?
  14. A

    Android Question back button(kiosk) to back in webview

    hi, my english is not so good.. someone knows how to do that when i press the back button(on my device), in the webview it will return back(to the before-last page). thanks
  15. A

    Android Question Search text in website

    hi, someone knows how to search text in a webview, like ctrl+F in windows, to search some text in a web page?
  16. B4J Question fatal error in jfxwebkit.dll ???

    Dear community, i am dealing with a really standard webview in a b4j splitpane, nothing special at all. (loaded site is youtube.com, but i think that did not matter, no video playing, just browsing through..) from time to time i am getting a fatal error of the jvm. i cant reproduce it, but i...
  17. S

    iOS Question Webview not loading webpage

    Hi, After updating B4i to 4.40 version the Webview is not working anymore. This exactly same code was compiled 1 year ago with the older xcode version and worked perfect. Now I'm trying to use this code but webview always return success = false on Mywebview_PageFinished. At first I thought a...
  18. Android Question Webview Link to Googlenavi APP

    I have a link from Google maps on a Webview. I would like to click this link in my Webview with Google navi App Eurojam has already helped me there. It starts the Navi app but after exiting the Navipp loads the Webview Web googlemaps. how can I prevent that If I call the same link in the...
  19. Android Question Help with webview

    Hi everyone, I have a PHP application that runs inside a webview and this application opens a page that asks for username and password I would like to save the user and password as it is always logged out. Someone can help me.
  20. German Webview Link zu Googlenavi APP

    Wenn ich in der Webseite vom Browser den Link mit einer Verknüpfung zb der Zielstrasse anklicke dann öffnet sich die App von Googl Maps und man braucht nur bestätigen das man die Route fahren möchte. Wenn ich das selbe in der Webapp mache kommt die Browser Goggle Map. Wie/Was müsste ich da...
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