B4J Library [ABMaterial] ABM.Util.CreateThumbnail based SliceBox Image Slider


This is a wrap of a caroulse called SliceBox. The nice thing is that it adjusts itself to fit your image. If the image is small it will shrink and if large it will enlarge itself. There is a problem with that though, consisency. Whilst i did a gallery before, posted here, something like this can come handly for lighter implementations. As an example, I need image sliders for each of my projects to show actual footage.

So here is a summary of events

1. You specify the height and width of the slider. Using the ABM.Util.CreateThumbnail method, the images are cropped to the specified size of the component. The component resizes itself to be that big.
2. Navigation On/Off - check
3. Pagination On/Off - check
4. PlayPause - check
5. Thumbnail generation - check

When you add a slide... code behind...

'add a slide to the slicebox
Sub AddSlide(id As String,description As String, imgURL As String, imgAlt As String,href As String,Current As Boolean)
    'create a thumbnail of the image to 700x420
    Dim oldFile As String = ABMShared.MvField(imgURL,1,".")
    Dim oldExt As String = ABMShared.MvField(imgURL,2,".")
    Dim newFile As String = oldFile & "_thumb." & oldExt
    Dim newName As String = "../images/" & newFile
    'define the old file
    oldFile = File.Combine(ABMShared.ImagesFolder,imgURL)
    newFile = File.Combine(ABMShared.ImagesFolder,newFile)
    'create a thumbnail
    Dim slide As Map = CreateMap("id":$"${sbid}${id}"$,"description":description, "url":newName,"alt":imgAlt,"href":href)
    slides.Put("slide-" & id,slide)
    If Current = True Then
        dots.Append($"<span class="nav-dot-current"></span>"$)
    End If
End Sub

Adding the component on ConnectPage..

Dim msb As MashSliceBox
    msb.ShowPagination = True
    msb.ShowNavigation = True
    msb.ShowPlayPause = True
    msb.RotationSpeed = 1000
    msb.AutoPlay = True
    msb.Interval = 5000
    msb.AddSlide("1","Image 1 test","1.jpg","image1","",False)
    msb.AddSlide("2","Image 2 text","2.jpg","image2","",True)
    msb.AddSlide("3","Image 3 text","3.jpg","image3","",False)
    msb.AddSlide("4","Image 4 text","4.jpg","image4","",False)
    msb.AddSlide("5","Image 5 text","5.jpg","image5","",False)
    msb.AddSlide("6","Image 6 text","6.jpg","image6","",False)
    msb.AddSlide("7","Image 7 text","7.jpg","image7","",False)

In BuildPage..( the sequence of addition is IMPORTANT)

Sub NeedsSliceBox(pg As ABMPage)
End Sub


  • MashSliceBox.bas
    7.6 KB · Views: 347
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