B4J Question [ABMaterial] Landing page


Licensed User

I am slowly getting the grips on how abmaterial and b4j server works, and I have a question.

I want to the web app as the only web server on the actual server that I have. So then I need the
web app to serve a landing page/front page as the users navigate to e.g. www.example.com.

Here there should be the usual stuff a landing page has, and a link to a signup an login page etc.

This page should not be login protected.

How do I best solve this?



Licensed User
Longtime User
Set the ABMaterial page server port as 80 and open the vps firewall on that port, both UDP and TCP
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Then create a basic first page in ABMaterial, with a button or entry point for the page that is going to authenticate the users
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Licensed User
Thanks for the answers both of you.

I did now try to put a static index.html file in the Objects\www folder, that seems to work.

Would that be an advisable way to acomplish this? Sinse this page really dont need to be
controlled by the app

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for the answers both of you.

I did now try to put a static index.html file in the Objects\www folder, that seems to work.

Would that be an advisable way to acomplish this? Sinse this page really dont need to be
controlled by the app

You can have a complete website parallel with the ABMaterial WebApp, so if that works for you, don't change it.
I was under the impression that you wanted an in ABMATERIAL solution... thus the several answers given...
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Licensed User
You can have a complete website parallel with the ABMaterial WebApp, so if that works for you, don't change it.
I was under the impression that you wanted an in ABMATERIAL solution... thus the several answers given...

Yes, I know the question was a bit foggy, thank you for your help :)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry, for asking...I'm just an new B4x and ABM User only reading at the Moment but with no time to code....

I'm right that it is not possible to use an existing WebServer on Port 80 and also an ABM Application on B4J Server on Port 80? Yes? Sure.
In B4J Server isn't implemented a full WebServer to send out Browser Requests? That would be great, but I don't think so.

Are there any trys out there or maybe Tutorials to implement B4J Server as Side Application to a WebServer....a la cgiBin ?
Or Maybe is there lets say a LoadBalancer B4J Server App to route incoming Traffic to whom it may belong... normal Requests to the running Webserver
special Requests ... a la somedomain.de/MyApp to the bound App? Would be great cause I could get rid of the :xxxxx Port usage or use somedomain.de/MyApp1 and somedomain.de/MyApp2 with separated Servers running.

I hope time will come at beginning of next year to do first coding Steps.

And also.....thanks to the Developers and to the great Community....wish you all the best.

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