I would like to introduce the Settings module that I wrote and use for most of my client applications. The module is ready to be connected to your ABMaterial application and very easy to use.
In the main directory of the application (or wherever you want) create a configuration file. I have config.txt. Text file because it can be easily edited from the server console or any notebook. Based on this file, a page with our application settings is generated with full support for changing parameters.
Available types of variables: text, number, email, password, data, combo,checkbox.
The structure of the config
These are the ones I use for the first time in my applications. We need 2 declarations in Main.
and reading variables from a file in AppStart
Calling the variables from any other page is done, for example
Includes a complete demo of using the settings page with the module source.
Maybe someone will find it useful, it makes it easier in many cases.
I would like to introduce the Settings module that I wrote and use for most of my client applications. The module is ready to be connected to your ABMaterial application and very easy to use.
In the main directory of the application (or wherever you want) create a configuration file. I have config.txt. Text file because it can be easily edited from the server console or any notebook. Based on this file, a page with our application settings is generated with full support for changing parameters.
Available types of variables: text, number, email, password, data, combo,checkbox.
The structure of the config
## Server parameters <-Name of the settings group
#Service name;text <- Description of the text (;text) type setting
APPNAME = set <-variable name and saved value
#Server adress; text
SERVERNAME = localhost
#Port http; int <-Description of the variable visible to the user of the number type (; int)
PORT = 80
#Port SSL; int
#Should the server use SSL; bool <-type checkbox
SSL = 0
#Color;combo (red, blue, green) <-Combo use
These are the ones I use for the first time in my applications. We need 2 declarations in Main.
Public config As Map
Public FileConfig As String = "config.txt"
and reading variables from a file in AppStart
If File.Exists(File.DirApp, FileConfig) Then
config= File.ReadMap(File.DirApp, FileConfig)
Log("config file not found")
End If
Calling the variables from any other page is done, for example
Dim title As ABMLabel
title.Initialize(page, "title", Main.config.Get("TITLETEXT"), Main.config.Get("TITLESIZE"),True,Main.config.Get("TITLECOLOR"))
Dim labssl As ABMLabel
labssl.Initialize(page, "ssl", "",ABM.SIZE_H3,False,"")
If Main.config.Get("SSL") = "1" Then
labssl.Text = "Use HTTPS on the server"
labssl.Text = "Use only HTTP on the server"
End If
Dim calendar As ABMCalendar
calendar.Initialize(page, "cal", Main.config.Get("DATA"), ABM.FIRSTDAYOFWEEK_MONDAY,"en",ABM.CALENDAR_DEFAULTVIEW_MONTH,"")
Includes a complete demo of using the settings page with the module source.
Maybe someone will find it useful, it makes it easier in many cases.
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