B4J Question Actionbar to B4J App?


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I know this sounds strange, but I am making an App that runs on a raspberri pi.

I want the user experience similar to that of the Android app, so, I was wondering if its possible to add some type of ActionBar like AppCompat does for android, to a B4J app?

The app will run in a "kiosk" like environment with no desktop or anything along those lines except for the X11 session needed to run JavaFX.

Any ideas? Thanks!


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Going the XUI way, you could set a panel and a few images/labels on it then react to clicks on them. Same if you prefer the jfx standard way of a Pane and other standard components.
A nice ActionBar could be made of a few optional items like a logo image + CLV horizontal scrollview + standard "hamburger" menu.
Items of the CLV will be the "action buttons" for your app (labels, images or whatever best fits your design).
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u can load more than one layout to the form. (at least it works at my last b4a project.)
i would make a custom view control + layout and load / add it to each form.
u can handle the "actionbar" button click events into each form or in a class module.
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I figured it would be a manual thing, I wish it wasnt. But thats no problem.

So, with the hamburger menu/XUI/etc, How would I do the slide from the left animated hamburger menu? like appcompat does?

My immediate thought would be a layout loaded in a pane, and then use SetAnimated or something, but I am not sure.
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