Android Question Activity.LoadLayout error 'Array Expected'


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Longtime User
I have created a main form in the designer and a main activity amd loaded the main.bal in the Files Manager and it worked for weeks.

Now I am getting this error message. I have searched the community foiles but can find nothing. I am baffled????

Thanks in advance

B4A version: 6.80
Parsing code. (0.03s)
Compiling code. Error
Error compiling program.
Error description: Array expected.
Occurred on line: 32
Word: (


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Klaus, I have attached my project in a zip file.

If you find the problem, would you mind telling me how you found it. I'm interested in learning as much as I am interested in the project I'm working on.

Thanks in advance.


    15.3 KB · Views: 191
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry, didn't see that menu item.

However, I get a message that the file is too large. I included shared modules, so went back to try to exclude them. But that feature is greyed out.

Can I send the missing files indivually? Can you identfy them?

FYI, at the moment I am rebuilding my app with a new main.bas and adding the rest as existing modules as I go. So far it compiles - but I haven't finished. I'm hoping to find something that causes the same problem, or if I get it all reloaded and it compiles, to compare the duplicate to the original to see if I can find something that is different.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
Erel, I found the problem.

I create a new standard Class that I named Activity (to create and track real world activiites). It obviously clashes with the B4a 'Activity'. Renaming it solved the problem.

I do find it strange that the error showed up as it did - loading the startup layout. Nevertheless - found it- learned something, and still think B4a is great.

Thanks to you and Klaus for responding! :)

B4A version: 6.80
Parsing code. (0.03s)
Compiling code. Error
Error compiling program.
Error description: Array expected.
Occurred on line: 32
Word: (
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