Android Tutorial App Bundle - Steps to updating Existing App (apk to aab)

This Tutorial is for those who already have an existing application in the play store that is APK and want to switch to App Bundle (AAB) which will become compulsory in August 2021.

Steps for updating the EXISTING application to App bundle (Switching to App bundle)
(Note: Steps 2 and 3 are no longer necessary if using B4A Version 11+)

1. Make sure you are using the latest B4A version (version 10.7 +)
2. If possible, Redownload the 2 files in step #2 here
3. Download bundletool.jar and put it in <android sdk>\tools\bin
4. Select Release or Release Obsfucated in the IDE.
5. Goto Project -> Build App Bundle (the AAB file will be created in the objects folder)
6. Create a new Release in play store and Upload your new AAB File
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Cant get the bundletool.jar - causes an network.error
can you zip it ?
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Well-Known Member
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Thx - now it works
But have to try it several times


Active Member
This Tutorial is for those who already have an existing application in the play store that is APK and want to switch to App Bundle (AAB) which will become compulsory in August 2021.

Steps for updating the EXISTING application to App bundle (Switching to App bundle)

1. Make sure you are using the latest B4A version (Current version 10.7)
2. If possible, Redownload the 2 files in step #2 here
3. Download bundletool.jar and put it in <android sdk>\tools\bin
4. Select Release or Release Obsfucated in the IDE.
5. Goto Project -> Build App Bundle (the AAB file will be created in the objects folder)
6. Create a new Release in play store and Upload your new AAB File
Will AAB signed with signkey which is generated by b4a right?
But why erel said we need to extract privatekey for existing apps at this thread
and for new apps just create a new signkey by keytool
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Will AAB signed with signkey which is generated by b4a right?

Yes, AAB will be signed with existing B4A keys.

But why erel said we need to extract privatekey for existing apps at this thread
and for new apps just create a new signkey by keytool

It depends on WHEN the existing app is uploaded.

1. If the Existing Application is submitted BEFORE the change in the play console dashboard. Then you DON'T need to extract the privatekey before you can upload.
Just go to create New Release and You should see something like this - Release signed by Google play.

Upload your AAB signed with B4A keys and it will work.


2. If the Existing Application is submitted AFTER the update to the play console dashboard, using the opt-out option. You will need to Extract the private key using PEPK.jar
With this, when you create a New Release, you should see OPT-IN.
When you click the Optin then you can upload your extracted Private Key.


Active Member
Yes, AAB will be signed with existing B4A keys.

It depends on WHEN the existing app is uploaded.

1. If the Existing Application is submitted BEFORE the change in the play console dashboard. Then you DON'T need to extract the privatekey before you can upload.
Just go to create New Release and You should see something like this - Release signed by Google play.

Upload your AAB signed with B4A keys and it will work.

View attachment 110621

2. If the Existing Application is submitted AFTER the update to the play console dashboard, using the opt-out option. You will need to Extract the private key using PEPK.jar
With this, when you create a New Release, you should see OPT-IN.
When you click the Optin then you can upload your extracted Private Key.
Thank you, I think I fully understand what the story is ?


Well-Known Member
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Works great

Fabio Campanella

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi guys

I'm updating an app that I haven't updated since 2020; when I create a new Play Console release it tells me:

"Unsigned releases from Google Play
Google doesn't protect your app's signing key. Sign up for the program to use the Android App Bundle."

Can you help me take the right steps to be able to publish the update? What should I choose, I did not understand the next steps when I press the activate key.

Thanks for any help, I just don't know how to continue