Android Question After the publication of your app


Licensed User
Longtime User
I just read the post "Do not make my mistake (SQLite)."

This made me think to ask to you all:

A "statistic" about the changes / updates that you were FORCED to do after you publish your app on the market, for unexpected errors, identified by users
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Licensed User
Longtime User
When you say FORCED to do, do you mean by Google? In which case None

In my experience there may be a few requests from those users that like the app, and want to help improve it, or have a specific need and yours is the closest app they can find to what they want. Most users, if they don't like it, will just uninstall without comment as there are so many options to choose from on the market, They'll try others until they find one they like. Of course it also depends on whether the app is Free or Paid.
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