Android Question An Internal Library Supersedes an Additional Library With the Same Name


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Is there an easy way to determine which libraries have become internal and are no longer needed in the additional library folder without having to print both folders and make a comparison, so the additional ones can be removed. One comes to mind is the XUI. It was external, now it is internal. There are others. I think the external library does not do any harm since the internal one gets priority, but as part of the clean-up there should only be one place for any given library.


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Run this code in B4J:
Dim InternalFolder As String = "c:\program files (x86)\anywhere software\basic4android\libraries"
Dim AdditionalFolder As String = "C:\Users\H\Documents\AdditionalLibraries"
Dim m As Map
For Each f As String In File.ListFiles(InternalFolder)
   f = f.ToLowerCase
   If f.EndsWith(".xml") Or f.EndsWith(".jar") Then
       m.Put(f, "")
   End If
For Each f As String In File.ListFiles(AdditionalFolder)
   f = f.ToLowerCase
   If m.ContainsKey(f) Then
       Log("Duplicate library: " & f)
   End If
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