Android Lollipop 5.0

Douglas Farias

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Depois de revelar o Android Lollipop, o Google anunciou que todos os dispositivos Nexus, incluindo o 4 e o 7 e aparelhos do Google Play Edition, receberão o sistema operacional. Durante o evento de lançamento, a empresa não havia mencionado os modelos mais antigos.

A Motorola também divulgou que todos os modelos Moto X, Moto G e Moto E receberão a atualização do sistema. Mais cedo, a HTC informou que alguns de seus principais modelos poderão contar com o Lollipop nos próximos 90 dias.

Ainda não há previsão de quando a atualização chegará nos dispositivos da Google e da Motorola, mas isso deve acontecer nas próximas semanas.

O novo sistema operacional traz grandes mudanças no Android, com novas cores, animações e movimentos que permitem que os aplicativos “conversem”, já que funcionam mesmo quando o usuário trocar de uma janela para outra. Todos os apps serão desenvolvidos com base no Material Design, uma linguagem que pretende tornar a experiência multiplataforma mais agradável.

Google translate

After revealing the Lollipop Android, Google announced that all Nexus devices, including 4 and 7 and Google Play Edition handsets will receive the operating system. During the launch event, the company had not mentioned the older models.

Motorola also announced that all models Moto X, Moto Moto E and G receive the system update. Earlier, HTC announced that some of its main models may rely on Lollipop in the next 90 days.

Still no date for when the update will arrive on devices from Google and Motorola, but it should happen in the coming weeks.

The new operating system brings major changes in Android, with new colors, animations and movements that allow applications to "talk" since that work even when the user switch from one window to another. All apps will be developed based on Material Design, a language that aims to make multiplatform experience more enjoyable.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Douglas,
I expect the next version will be Cheerios!


Well-Known Member
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hmmm... I don't know, I think as they are moving away from frozen stuff into more easily kept shelf goods.

Orios is my guess for the next one


Maybe twinkies?


Well-Known Member
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I think it will start with 'M' since M comes after L.

So maybe M&M's or milky way


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Back in the dark ages, M was to be MilkShake, but who knows now days. :)

--- Jem


Well-Known Member
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Haha! :) I wasn't looking at the dude, just imbibing all that info he gave us.

I thought he presented the video rather well.

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
yes but is very ugly xD
i m ugly but this men win xD

Douglas Farias

Licensed User
Longtime User
lol :D


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Well-Known Member
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It was really well done though, I don't know if he green-screened it or what but the video was perfect behind him.

I think I heard an Auzzie accent there.

Inman found the perfect video to cram our heads with the knowledge of what is Lillipop.

I do pity the poor little green Android lollipop in your graphic though, he has a stick up his A*** :D