Android Question android sqllite as database server

MR Kai

Licensed User
Longtime User
hi everyone

can use android sqllite as database server

and connect other devices to database at the same time


Licensed User
try this

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Licensed User
yes, rdc on pc b4j server, and from android as a client you can connect to your sqlite server which can be in vps even remotely
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MR Kai

Licensed User
Longtime User
yes, rdc on pc b4j server, and from android as a client you can connect to your sqlite server which can be in vps even remotely
thank you for your replay

i develop resturant pos system have multi devices i need soultion to accses all devices to one tab as server without need to add pc and install iis and sql server
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Licensed User
if you have a pc from the client, you don't need iis or sql, you can do it with sqlite and rdc that i suggested above.
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Licensed User
I have a similar situation, in a supermarket they prepare the goods for home delivery, then each terminal vsi connects to the server (a simple vpc with the rdc service active) each terminal is able to read the data of the sqlite db on the server pc and issue a receipt
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MR Kai

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have a similar situation, in a supermarket they prepare the goods for home delivery, then each terminal vsi connects to the server (a simple vpc with the rdc service active) each terminal is able to read the data of the sqlite db on the server pc and issue a receipt
resturant will work online and offline
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Licensed User
another solution is this, you work offline, and synchronize the data once you are online

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MR Kai

Licensed User
Longtime User
i see other pos work without pc server and work offline and online i dont know what is the solution for that
sorry i am lost, how to sync data without internet / data line from android?
if internet work will sync all orders if not all devices work offline and save all orders to one device as server until internet work
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Licensed User
another solution is this, you work offline, and synchronize the data once you are online

try to implement this technology developed by Erel
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Albert Kallal

Active Member
Licensed User
Ok, so to make this clear.

You have maybe 1, or 2 or 5 android devices. But, you want ONE of them to act as the database store and mini-server for all 5. Of course then at specified times or over time, you then sync that ONE database and data store to the central server at some point in time.

So, like say if we had 1-5 pc's we make one of them to have the database system, and all others share from that one system.

Hum, interesting question. You don't mention if wi-fi is being used here. But, sql lite is not all that great as multi-user.

And, if all the 2-5 devices need to share the same database? You could perhaps setup a web service on one of the android devices.

so, this is a VERY typical type of setup. You have 2-5 or more devices or POS or whatever running at the one site. They all share a common database, and then as noted, each night or when ever, that data would be synced with the overall system and central database (perhaps in the cloud, or at central office).

While this type of setup is common for a store, pharmacy etc?

I think I would consider adding a mini-server. You could even say use a Raspberry PI, run Linux and MySQL, and have all local devices talk to that system.

So, you would (and could) have say your 1-5 devices on site, and then one database server. Now that database server and Linux system running? Well, it still only going to cost you say $50-$75 tops. I could have 4--8 gigs, and self boot from say a SD card. Such a system has good support for MySQL, PostgresSQL, and probably a few more (heck, even SQL server express has a edition for Linux now, so maybe even that).

So, while you don't want to introduce a local admiration and whole computer system into this mix? You could consider that Raspberry computer. However, this would THEN suggest that a restaurant or business can't just install the "app" on each phone or tablet they buy - that additional server would be a challenge.

So, right now, I not aware if any server based software does run on Android. You could I suppose have one that accepts messaging or runs a mini-web server, and that would accept web api calls to read/write and update data. (from the other 2-5+ devices on that network.

So I certainly grasp and see the need for your question, but what technology stack to use? Hum, by best bet would be to introduce a $50 Raspberry computer into this mix. But, then all of sudden, that is a new separate bit of hardware, and one that you can' t just buy, install the Android app, and you off to the races.

So, with the rise of such non server systems, and the super ease of installing software on Android, then I can see the need and want for your setup. In fact, being able to offer a multi-user system, with JUST a set of android phones without needing anything else is a HUGE selling point. We see how 4-square and a few other new POS vendors have broken into a market based on these concepts. For the business, it becomes like buying a coffee pot, some lights, and oh yes, a few android phones and they are now in business.

The alterative of buying separate computers, calling a IT department etc? These companies will and are eating up major segments of the market right now - all based on you just having to install a app - and you can have a mutli-point system without the big bucks cost, and big hassle.

Another way is to consider a cloud database, but latency and lack of internet means that system can't function - even in a limp mode. With a point to point local system, then even markets where internet is poor or not practical, but having wi-fi or a local network is again another compelling use case of the above network model, and in fact business model.

Albert D. Kallal
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
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