Aeric above points out a VERY good (significant) issue. Android (unlike say a pc, or even a Raspberry pi) not really designed for, thought about from day 1, and does not have its roots, or "ideals" based around being used as some type of server system. So, using one android device as a designated server has a boatload of issues and problems for that kind of "use case". And one issue is not only keeping the device alive, but the OS is designed around the idea of shutting down, and limiting resources of software - not the reverse which is quite much the case for a server based system. They could not be farther apart in their design concepts. Low power, don't use memory, stop programs not being used - all of these issues are quite much the how and why of Android.
So, like the correct horse for the right course? New sets of challenges exist in this idea and concept. As noted, if possible, I would introduce that $50 server in a box that you buy and ship to that customer site for this idea to really make sense.
Or do what some Android POS and other systems do - they rely on server or cloud based data sharing - quite much the most common model for Android - and for good reason.